Chapter Four

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((A/N: So what do you guys think so far? I know the chapters are kinda short but hopefully they'll get a bit longer here as the story goes on! Make sure to leave a review of what y'all think or hope for in this story! Thanks for reading!))

I came into consciousness with the sound of hushed voices talking. I couldn't make out the words but when I moved my head to follow the sound, they stopped.
I felt a taloned hand take mine and my throat tightened. I squeezed his hand and closed my eyes, trying to block the tears that threatened to spill out.
Garrus squeezed my hand back and I felt him lean over me to touch his forehead to mine.
I lifted my hand in search of his face and his found mine and gently guided my hand to his face, as if he knew what I wanted.
I traced the lines of his face, my eyes open as they searched for the image of his face in the darkness.
A tear finally spilled out as it hit me that I wouldn't see him. The one thing I wanted to do and I couldn't. A sob escaped me as he trapped my hand against his mandible and his gloved talon traced small circles on the back of my hand.
"Miranda filled me in on your condition..."
I shut my eyes and shook my head as I took in the feeling of the bandages covering my body.
"You shouldn't have to see me like this."
I heard Garrus grunt in disapproval. "I don't care how you look, Shepard. I'm just glad to have you back."
I felt him shift to sit next to me on the bed and turned my head to follow his movement.
I sighed. "I'm not really back. Honestly, I may as well be a Husk, laying here in this bed practically useless."
Garrus's hand tightened on mine and his voice was sharp. "You gave up your life destroying the Reapers, Shepard. You're not useless by taking time to recover. The rest of the work to be done? Everybody else can handle it. I think you deserve a little R&R."
I went to run my free hand through my hair only to find it was shorn down in a buzz cut. My throat tightened yet again and Garrus took my hand, now holding both in his hands.
"You're still you. Beautiful, smart, brave Commander Shepard. Don't worry about anything, okay? Just concentrate on getting better."
I nodded and the tears that were pooling in my eyes spilled over as I shut them.
I didn't know how Garrus could be so strong. He sounded so confident of my recovery, of the idea of everything being okay even as I laid in bandages in a bed... Where was I anyways?
I squirmed, suddenly the question bothered me more than my wounds did.
"What's wrong?"
"Where am I?"
"On the Citadel, in Huerta Memorial."
I nodded and settled a bit back into my bed.
I pressed my lips into a thin line as pain burned through my side, reminding me I still had wounds healing.
"Do you need a shot of meds?"
I nodded and heard Garrus press a button, and it wasn't long before I relaxed. The pain melted away and I became drowsy.
I squeezed Garrus' hand. "Don't leave. Please."
He gently squeezed my hand back. "I'll be here when you wake. I promise."
I nodded and slowly, I drifted into sleep, the sensation of Garrus' hand in mine the last thing I remembered before I fell into sweet darkness.

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