Chapter 43

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  I stood in the docking bay, my bag hooked over my shoulder as I walked to the bay windows with Garrus. We stopped there together and turned to each other.
  There was a certain air of sadness, despite the fact that we both knew I was only going to be gone for ten days.
  "Be careful, Sam," Garrus warned for the umpteenth time.
  I smiled and brushed my free hand across his mandible. "I always am. I'll be back in ten days okay? Then I'll be all yours for a week."
  "And then you'll have to go again," Garrus murmured, seeming torn by the situation.
  "Hey," I said firmly. "You know I'll always come back to you. I have so far, haven't I?"
  Garrus nodded as he pulled me into his embrace. "It never makes it any easier to let you go, though."
  He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and I tilted my head back to smile at him.
  I dropped my bag and stood on my toes, both hands on his shoulders as I leaned in and kissed him.
  "I'll be back, okay? Don't worry about me, just hold the fort down here."
  Garrus pressed another kiss to my lips. "Just come back in one piece. You've had enough adventure in that area to last three lifetimes."
  I shrugged with a grin. "There's more than one way to make history..."
  At his worried look and tightened grip around my waist, I sobered. "Seriously though, you know I have a lot to look forward to here now. Even before you put this ring on my finger. I've gotta brag to Kasumi and Jack! I've gotta make it back to plan the wedding with you and make good on saying yes. And then make good on my vows."
  Garrus nodded, pressing his forehead to mine. "If you need me, make sure you ping me. If there's even a hint of trouble..."
  "I'll call in my guardian Archangel."
  He smiled and pressed a kiss to my lips. "That's my girl. You know I'll come as fast as possible."
  I opened my mouth, but was interrupted by the speakers coming to life along with my Omni-Tool to announce the final boarding call for the military transport bound for Earth.
  I sighed and hugged Garrus once more and gave him a final kiss. "Ten days," I promised. "I'll be back then. I love you."
  Garrus nodded and picked up my bag for me. "I love you too. Be careful, Samantha."
  "Always," I said with a wink.
  With that I reluctantly started toward the small ship's dock, then jogged as the Alliance officer waved for me to hurry.
  I cast one last look back at Garrus, who stood watching me leave, right before the doors to the airlock shut.
  The officer and I walked aboard together and I took a seat in one of the many rows of them, most filled with military personnel of all species.
  I strapped in right as I felt the docking clamp release, and soon we were on our descent toward Earth.
  Beside me sat a tired looking human man, who gave me a small smile.
  That was all that anyone on this ship seemed to be able to muster were small smiles.
  How could morale have gone down this much? The Reapers were gone! Defeated! We had won!
  My face must have said what I was thinking because a Turian around Garrus' age that had been sitting a couple seats over came and took the seat on my other side.
  "Repairs have been slow," he commented.
  At my confused look, he nodded his head toward the rest of the passengers. "I see the way you're looking at them. Yeah, the worst of the enemy is gone, but we still face other problems back on Earth. It's hard. Takes its toll. Why do you think they called you back in, Commander?"
  I sighed. "I guess if they just needed the attention they would have just promoted me to keep me around."
  The Turian grunted his agreement. "This group here is mostly search and rescue. You've seen some grisly shit before, Commander, but you're going to see some more soon. This can be harder to see than combat itself. There's been terrorist hits on some work sites. That's where we're headed when we land."
  As if on cue, the speakers on the ship came to life. "Entering Earth's atmosphere- ETA to landing zone: seven minutes."
  I blew out a breath and gripped my seat tightly. "This is gonna be a fun one, then..."
  "We've got your back, Commander. Anything happens, we'll be sure to cover you. You've more than earned that respect and loyalty."
  I gave him a grateful look, despite the fact that it wasn't the terrorists I was worried about. "Thanks."
The shuttle began to shudder with the worst of the atmospheric entry and I held tight to the seat, anxiety gnawing at me.
When it smoothed out, I relaxed a bit into the seat and noticed the Turian watching me.
  His eyes seemed to see through the smile I put on my face, and he sighed. "It's not a dishonor to ask for help, Commander. Every one of us needs it at one point or another. The only way to move past a problem is to admit there's a problem in the first place."
  I turned a sharp gaze on him and stared him down. "Never say a word hinting at any sort of problem. There is no problem, and there will be no investigation into one."
  The Turian shook his head at me, though he seemed more sad than irritated. "I'm just trying to make sure we don't lose you the same way we lost others. I won't say anything if it's your wish."
  I relaxed a bit back into my seat and shut my eyes. "Don't worry about me. I've survived worse. I'll be fine."
  "Nothing is worse than demons in your head," came the quiet reply of the Turian next to me.
  "What's your name," I asked with my eyes still shut.
  I nodded. "I guess we'll be working together from now on, Artemis."
  "That we will. Let's make sure you always make it home to the man who put that ring on your finger."
  I opened my eyes and cast a smile at Artemis. "You know what it means?"
  "The basics. It's basically the same as a bond mate bite for us Turians."
  "A what?" I asked, brow scrunched in confusion.
  Artemis chucked. "A bond mate mark is when two Turians claim each other. It shows that they have their significant other. Just like the ring on your finger. But with blood. When a Turian male sees that mark on a female he knows and usually respects that. Same with the female to the male."
I frowned. "My fiancé is a Turian. Why wouldn't he have told me this?"
Artemis shrugged. "Maybe he just doesn't want to hurt you. We Turians can be very protective at times."
  I snorted a laugh. "Don't I know. That man has a protective streak that would make a momma bear look like a kitten."
  He laughed and shook his head. "I have no clue what you're talking about."
  I rolled my eyes. "That also seems to be a Turian trait. You guys usually don't have a clue what we humans are talking about."
  "You wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about if I would start using Turian idioms. We just spare you the humiliation of standing there with a blank face while we laugh."
  It was my turn to laugh and shake my head now. "Okay, you've got me there. Though to be fair, not all of you spare my people the humiliation."
  "I can't help that," Artemis said with a smirk and a shrug.
  The speakers in the ship came to life again, cutting off any mild manor of chatter. "Now approaching the LZ."
  Artemis and I shared a grim look.
  I was sure he was bracing himself for what we would be facing the next ten days as much as I was.
  How couldn't we?

((A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if this one seems any shorter than usual or there's any mistakes! I just started my first job this week so it's tiring! I barely have any time, but it'll smooth out once I get the hang of the schedule!
  Thank you for reading! If you liked this chapter, please don't forget to leave a vote! I would love to hear any comments as to what you guys think! Keelah Se'lai!))

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