Chapter 47

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  I stood out of the transport seat as soon as I felt the familiar bump of a successful docking and hiked my bag over my shoulder.
  Everyone else followed suit and lined up behind me at the door to be released.
  "A bit eager, Commander?" Artemis joked.
  I cast a smile back at him. "Yeah, I've got a fiancé waiting for me out there."
  I turned around fully to face me team and surveyed them with an approving nod. "We all did great out there. Congratulations on a lossless rescue!"
  Everyone broke out cheering, it finally hitting us all that we had sent home every detected survivor alive.
  The door slid open behind me and I turned to lead the way through the docking tube to the bay.
  The doors to the bay slid open automatically, leaving me to walk through and step out of the way to look for Garrus.
  It didn't take long to find him. He was at the front of the crowd holding flowers, his eyes locked on me already.
  A grin spread across my face and I hurried to him as fast as my bag and tired feet would let me.
  As soon as I reached him, I dropped my bag at our feet and threw my arms around his shoulders, holding onto him like a lifeline.
  He chuckled and held onto me by my waist as he buried his face in my hair.
  "I missed you," he murmured.
  I nodded and pulled back enough to look into his blue eyes. "I missed you too, Garrus."
  He kissed me softly before he pressed his forehead to mine. "Ready for your week off?"
  I gave Garrus a crooked grin. "Definitely. I could use a soft bed by now. I've been spoiled too long."
  Garrus handed me the flowers, leaving me to smell the fragrant bouquet while he bent down and grabbed my bag. "I think you deserve to be spoiled by now," he said as he took my hand with his free one.
  We made our way through the crowd to the security gates, only to be stopped by the sight of Admiral Hackett.
  I heard Garrus sigh softly beside me and move to take his hand from mine, but I gave his hand a squeeze instead of releasing him.
  As soon as we were close to security, Hackett approached.
  "Congratulations on a fully successful rescue effort, Commander."
  I gave him a nod. "Thank you, sir."
  "The Alliance Navy and all of the family of those who were caught in that rubble are grateful. Most importantly, you made an impact down there on Earth. But you also left questions."
  My heart sank and I let go of Garrus' hand.
  "What questions?"
  "Too many to be answered right now. I'm sure you're tired, and those asking the questions want the answers in person. The Alliance Navy is holding a formal celebration on the first fully successful rescue since the Reaper's defeat. You should attend."
  I rubbed my face. "Is this a suggestion or a command?"
  "It's a command, Shepard. It wouldn't look good on either the Alliance or you if you didn't show up."
  I nodded. "I'll need a time, date, and place."
  "Those will be sent to your Omni-Tool by the end of the hour. The event is this evening, though. Wear something formal."
  I shut my eyes and nodded, swallowing the anger and disappointment built in me. "Yes, sir."
  "I'll see you this evening."
  I heard Hackett walk off, and only then could I open my eyes.
  "I guess we're going to a party tonight, then."
  Garrus wrapped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close. "Looks like we need to get you a dress, then."
  I groaned. "That's right, I don't own anything 'formal' anymore."
  Garrus chuckled. "I'll be good to see you in a dress again, for a change."
  "I'll make picking one quick," I assured him, but he just shrugged.
  "You know I don't mind waiting on you. Especially if it means I'll get to see you in several different dresses..."
  I elbowed him playfully and took his hand back in mine as we walked through security.
  "Maybe I should just leave you in the Skycar, then."
  He leaned down and kissed me after he pushed the button on the elevator to take us to the closest transport calling station. "You know you wouldn't want to do that. You would miss my smartass remarks... And the ones about how good you'll make those dresses look."
  "Or I'll just miss you overall, Vakarian. Ever think of that?"
  He hummed in thought as he ran his hand over my head. "I guess that's always possible."
  He smiled at me and gave a gentle tug at my short hair. "Your hair is growing back pretty quickly now. It's softer, too."
  I quirked a brow up at him as I stepped off the elevator as the doors opened. "Are you trying to say my hair was coarse and unmanageable before?"
  Garrus laughed. "No. Though that wouldn't surprise me if you hair was unmanageable... Considering you're all the same..."
  I tossed the finger at him over my shoulder as I walked to the Skycar terminal and paid, letting Garrus walk to the Skycar that unlocked and opened.
  I joined him in the car after I received my confirmation ticket and settled in while Garrus piloted the car.
  "So what do you say we grab dinner after this?" I offered.
  Garrus laughed. "Samantha, you'll still have to get ready after we're done getting you that dress. And probably shoes to go with it. Plus they'll have dinner there, or at least finger foods, knowing how the Alliance throws their formal parties. You're not getting out of this one and I'm sure as hell not going to be a part of your trying to sneak off..."
  I slumped down in my seat and made a show of back talking him.
  He, in response, decided to smirk and reach over to pinch my thigh.
  "Ow, Garrus! You know that shit hurts! Those talons aren't exactly made of marshmallows, you know!"
  Garrus snickered. "I know. I am the one that has to file them down, you know."
  "No kidding? I thought you had to go a specialist with fucking bolt cutters for that shit."
  He reached over again, making me squeal and press against the door to get away from him.
  "Eyes on the road! Don't kill us!"
  Garrus laughed. "I thought you wanted to get out of going to that party tonight, though!"
  "Not that bad, Vakarian!"
  Garrus looked over and smiled at me lovingly. "I'm glad to have you back home. I don't even care that we have to go to that damn party tonight. It's worth it as long as I'm with you."
  I chuckled as he set the Skycar down at a higher end clothes store. "Yeah, let's just see if you're still saying that after the night is over."
  "I'm sure we could find other ways to make the night better," he commented with a smirk.
  I laughed and shook my head. "Like another shooting competition on top of the Presidium?"
  Garrus hummed in thought. "Yeah. And we could use either live rounds or some good liquor."
I grinned. "The alcohol almost sounds better than the live rounds... But not quite."
"I would say we can have both, but I think we both know how you get when you're drunk. One of us more so than the other..."
I narrowed my eyes and stuck out my tongue at him. "At least I can down the stronger shots."
"At least I know my limits," he returned smoothly.
"Watch yourself, Vakarian," I warned playfully as we walked into the store. "No one is to say that I won't just leave you there at the party tonight. Nobody said I had to stay for the whole damn thing..."
Garrus smirked. "Who's to say I won't just drop you off and go back home?"
"You wouldn't."
Garrus said nothing, just kept that smirk on his face as we neared the dresses. I shot him a glare in return, knowing he wouldn't take it seriously and I moved on to do my shopping.
It took me longer than I thought it would to pick even one to try, and soon enough I had an Asari join me. I had been eyeing a green dress more so than some of the others when she joined me but she wasn't having any of it.
"Green would only suit your blue eyes a bit, it wouldn't suit your skin tone, though," she commented, making me deflate a bit.
"Maybe a black or a red would suit you. Or a cream color or grey."
I browsed through the blacks until she asked what event it was for, then she insisted I steer clear of the black and grey toned colors.
Eventually, I found a wine red dress with golden embroidery that fit me like a floor length glove, yet moved with me perfectly.
After that it didn't take long to find open toe heels that crossed the straps at the ankle.
When I came out of the fitting room to show Garrus, his eyes roamed up from the datapad to let the pad fall in his lap.
"So?" I asked, smoothing out the dress. "What do you think?"
"I think... I think I'm not going to be able to let my beautiful fiancé out of my sight," Garrus replied, his voice slightly hoarse.
I smirked and turned back to the fitting room, knowing my exit would leave as much of an impression as my entry.
After I was dressed back into my uniform, I walked to the counter with Garrus, getting my credit chit ready until he put his hand over mine and handed the cashier his chit. "Let me spoil you one in a while, will you?"
I laughed and shook my head, despite the fact that my heart melted a little at the mere gesture, nonetheless the fact that he actually paid for the dress and shoes after waiting patiently for me.
I knew at that moment that even if things got tough, it would all be okay with this man by my side to walk me through it.
I knew by looking at him, the loving spark in his eyes, he felt the same way, no doubt about it.

  ((A/N: Hey guys! So, finally getting a chapter out mid-day! Lol I hope y'all like it! Sorry I don't really have much to say except I hope you guys like this chapter! Lemme know with a vote and comment if ya do, please! Thanks for reading, guys!! Keelah Se'lai!))

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