Chapter 7

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((A/N: So some of you might find this story  a bit boring, as a blind Commander Shepard can't exactly go fight bad guys... Those searching for the Shakarian romance, I'm hoping y'all are liking it! Don't forget to leave a review, lemme know what you think and hey, if ya like it, don't forget to show it with a vote! Enjoy!))

  Garrus watched while Shepard sat on the edge of her bed in her hospital gown, with her doctor in front of her as he shined a light in her eyes. A test for any progress at all.
  As expected, he sat back with a frown and a frustrated exhale.
  "There's no sign of improvement yet with this treatment. We'll try it for a week longer, but if there's no sign of improvement by then, we're going to have to change the treatment."
  Samantha moved  backwards away from him and pulled her knees to her chest and Garrus joined her. He gently tugged her gown to cover her thighs a bit better and then turned his attention to the doctor.
  "How is everything else checking out for her?"
  The doctor shrugged. "Well, her immune system is a bit weak, some healing is taking a bit longer than usual, but she should be good to use Medi-Gel in two days of those aren't healed up yet. It can't really do anything about the nails, though."
  "I know," Samantha replied sharply. "I'm Alliance Navy, an N7 and a Spectre. I know what Medi-Gel can and can't fix."
  The doctor looked down and nodded. "Of course, ma'am. I didn't mean to imply otherwise."
  Garrus reached over and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.
  She sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just a bit tired and... Off."
  "Of course. This must all be hard for you. I can't imagine it being otherwise. I promise we'll do all we can to get you right back to normal as soon as possible."
  Samantha nodded, with her lips pursed into a thin line before she thanked the doctor and he excused himself.
  Garrus cocked his head slightly to get a better look at her, with his arm draped over her shoulders. "What are you thinking?"
  Samantha laughed softly with a note of bitterness. "I'm wondering how the hell I survived all that to end up in a hospital bed talking about restoring my vision."
  "It'll get better," Garrus promised.
  She nodded and leaned her head against him. Her eyes searched the room, though they both knew she wouldn't see anything but darkness.
  Darkness that Garrus knew could be a problem. The doctors had already spoken to him about the likeliness that she would end up with depression, with the changes to her sight (or lack thereof) and the darkness not allowing her brain to process the light and balance the hormones her brain releases.
  Garrus ran a hand over her head and watched her still. He would help her through it. No matter how dark her mood became. No matter how sour her mood, how many times she tells him to go, he'll stay.
  She was there for him when he tracked down Sidonis. She stood in the way of his shot and convinced him to let Sidonis go. Showed him the right thing to do, even if he didn't like the answer at the time. She stood her ground as he intended to do for her.
  He remembered being angry at her at first. He didn't even want to speak to her. Then he began to realize what he had asked her to do. He had asked her to go against her morals and help him hunt someone down and kill them, while they hurt a string of people in the way. None that didn't deserve it, of course, but still. It wasn't right, and yet she still did it for him. Then she not only put herself in danger by standing between an angry Turian and his shot, but also trusted him to check his anger and not take the shot. He couldn't lie. He had been tempted to take any shot he was offered. He knew he had a steady hand and could have taken even a slight view of him. Might have grazed Shepard in the process, but in his anger, the thought had passed that it would be a lesson to never get between him and his kill again.
  But he checked his temper. Somehow, the woman managed to convince him and he felt guilty for even considering still taking the shot. Grazing her.
  Garrus was surprised when he felt protective over her the first time. He hated the idea of her hurt, even when it could have been by his own hand. Somehow that made it worse for him.
  His eyes focused on Samantha and he realized he had been lost in thought.
  "What are you thinking about?"
  "Our history together. Particularly when I realized I had begun to love you."
  Samantha sucked in a shocked breath and held it for a moment.
  This was the first time since she left him on the ramp to evac the war zone on the way to the beam that he had told her he loves her. It wasn't as direct as she would like, he was sure, but it got the message across.
  He noticed a tear slip out of the corner of her eye before she slowly buried her head in his chest.
  Garrus pulled her close and wrapped both his arms around her as he let out a low purring sound.
  It wasn't long before she fell asleep, and Garrus couldn't help but think that he could stay like that with Samantha forever, just never letting go.

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