Chapter 52

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  Garrus couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he watched Samantha dance around with the man that was like a brother to her, Elias. She smiled and tossed her head back in laughter at some things he said occasionally.
  Her dress seemed to do its own dance, the movement almost entrancing for him.
  It was surprising to Garrus how many people attended the wedding and were now here at the reception.
  Friends, family, and forged family. It was amazing to him. All to witness a new beginning.
  Garrus surveyed the group of people, all smiling and more than happy to take part in the celebrations.
  Off to the right by the drinks were Zaeed and Tali, having a friendly argument over strategy to rebuild the Quarian homeworld.
  Further down, Samara and Liara were surveying the crowd and talking softly amongst themselves. Garrus couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about, though he knew he couldn't bring himself to go ask.
  At the bar, James and Joker sat and laughed together, reminiscing on old times and trying to see who had the better humorous war stories.
  Garrus turned his attention back to the white dress he knew would be his wife, who was being waltzed back to him by Elias.
  At the end of the song, Elias gently placed her hand in Garrus' and grinned at him. "She's all yours again! I'm about worn of dancing for the night. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's just slow dance songs from here."
  Garrus chuckled and starting walking Samantha back to the dance floor. "I'm pretty sure we'll manage with slow dances."
  Once they were comfortably back in the open space of the dance floor, Garrus wrapped his arms around Samantha's waist and pulled her close as he led the movement to the music.
  "How'd you enjoy your time with your brother?"
  Samantha smiled at him. "It was great. Thank you for that."
  Garrus smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You should know you don't have to thank me by now. I'll do anything to make you happy, Sam. Always."
An evil smile crept into her face with the mischievous glint in her eye he has learned to both be wary of and adore. "Anything?"
Garrus cleared his throat and pretended to glance around nervously. "Well... almost anything. You would have to tell me what it is first before I can tell you whether it'll be a yes or a no..."
Samantha laughed. "So it's selective devotion? Is that the way it works then?"
Garrus smirked. "That's exactly the way it works! I'm glad you caught on so soon! I didn't quite want to have to explain it thoroughly to you."
"You're a terrible husband!" She laughed, giving his chest a light smack.
"And you're an amazing wife. We make quite the amazing opposite couple, don't we?"
Samantha smiled lovingly at him. "There's no doubt about that. A Turian and a human... who would have thought?"
"A sniper and a biotic... interesting pair," he hummed thoughtfully.
"Hey, I'm good with a rifle!"
Garrus smirked at her, knowing it was his turn for the mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh trust me, I know you are."
Samantha burst out laughing and smacked his chest again as she shook her head. "That's not even close to right! Or close to what I meant!"
Garrus chuckled and leaned down to kiss her as the first song faded out and transitioned into the next. He kept them moving even with the transition, adjusting their pace to match the song without interrupting their kiss.
"I'm so happy to be able to spend the rest of my life with you," Garrus murmured.
"I wouldn't spend forever with anyone else. You're the love of my life, Garrus Vakarian."
"And you're the love of mine, Samantha Vakarian."
His last name strung to her first felt so right rolling off his tongue, and it seemed she thought the same thing with the smile she gave him before she rested her head on his chest.
  "It's official, " she murmured. "We're in this together forever."
  "Damn right we are."
  The music faded out and the sound of someone tapping on the microphone took its place, drawing the attention of everyone to the DJ booth.
  Elias stood there with a grin on his face and the microphone in his hand. "There we go! So how's everyone enjoying the reception tonight?"
  Claps, cheers and whistles went up and Samantha laughed as she wrapped her arms around him and held him from his side.
  "It's about damn time these two tied the knot, right? And now it's finally done!"
  More cheers and whistles acknowledged his words and even Garrus couldn't help but smile and give his wife a small squeeze.
  "It's been an amazing night and the party can still go on! But I'm saying it's probably time to send these two lovebirds off to kick start their honeymoon! You know... assuming the groom arranged that."
  Garrus laughed and held up a thumb to confirm, which only encouraged Elias to grin and shoot a thumbs up back at him.
  "He did! They're on! So let's all wish them a good night and send them on their way, what do you say?"
  Everyone cheered and immediately people started approaching them to say their good nights and congratulate them one more time as Garrus started leading Samantha out by the hand.
  Some people tossed rice over them, making both him and Samantha laugh as they pushed through the crowd.
  Soon enough, they reached the decorated Skycar awaiting them and Garrus opened the door and held it for Samantha as she climbed in, still trying to escape the rain of rice being tossed by their guests.
  Once she was in, he shut the door and hurried to the other side to climb in and start the Skycar.
  "Ready?" He asked with a grin.
  "Definitely," Samantha replied, the brightest smile he had ever seen on her face.
  "I love you so much," he rumbled softly, caught in her eyes.
  "I love you more, Mr. Vakarian."
  "Not a chance, Mrs. Vakarian," Garrus chuckled, overjoyed at the chance to use her new last name as he piloted the Skycar into the air, headed for the spaceport.
  "Where to now?"
  "Our honeymoon destination. It's a secret."
  Samantha grinned at him and reached over to take his hand. "I love your kind of secrets."

((A/N: Okay guys! This is it! I have one more chapter for you and that'll be the ending for Survivor!! I'll probably do a special part for acknowledgements, but I'll be sure to mark it as just that so there's no confusion. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through this story!! Hopefully I can have that last one out soon! Keelah se'lai!!))

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