Chapter Five

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It was hard for Garrus to watch Shepard like this, laid up in a hospital bed wrapped in bandages, pain meds pumping into her body to keep her comfortable.
He vowed to himself that he would be there every step of the way in her recovery. He would sit here with her and make sure she was always comfortable, as he knew it wasn't likely she would call in a nurse every time she needed pain medications. She would tough it out if she couldn't find the button herself.
He would help her get settled wherever she ended up living, would help make sure she was well set, eating healthy, doing her rehabilitation exercises and taking it easy when she was supposed to rest or wasn't feeling well.
He stared down at their hands, both holding onto each other for fear of losing the other.
Her hands were scarred to hell, a couple of what used to be gashes healing still. One of her fingernails were missing on her right hand- the one he held- and Garrus shut his eyes, not even wanting to imagine what caused that.
Her hair, which used to fall in beautiful red waves to her waist, was shorn close to her scalp, which showed every little scar, healed or not.
He had heard the stories and even managed to see a glance of a video clip taken by Citadel Security cameras, where her strength in determination was shown to the fullest.
She had been sitting next to Admiral Anderson, from the stories, already fading when Hackett had radioed in to tell her the Crucible wasn't activating. She had gotten up from where she sat dying, stood, walked close to the console before collapsing, and still tried to make it to the console to activate the Crucible, all the while trying to talk to Hackett to keep him informed.
Garrus' mandibles drew close to his face in his displeasure of the memory. He leaned over and rested his head on the bed next to their joined hands as he took a seat in the chair next to her bed.
Garrus closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and the time to memorize her scent, even as the scents in the hospital fought to drown hers out.
"Garrus," Miranda's voice came softly from the doorway. "Sorry to bother you but we need to speak to you."
He sighed and gently released Shepard's hand, laying it softly by her side.
He stood and walked wearily to the door, which Miranda held open. Once he was out the door, Hackett joined them and they stood in a circle, watching Shepard from the window to her room.
"How's she holding up," Hackett asked.
Garrus shrugged. "She's taking her lack of sight a bit rough but still taking this like a trooper. Not too surprising."
Hackett nodded. "She's always been strong. It's just a shame Anderson isn't here to see this. Alive again."
Miranda crossed her arms. "Her blindness isn't going to last forever. It's just going to take some time to repair the damage done. We aren't here to talk about that, though. We need a voice on the Council right now for Shepard."
Garrus crossed his own arms, irritated. "And? What do we have anything to do with this?"
"You both have everything to do with this. Hackett is the man in charge typically over her since Anderson is gone, and you're her boyfriend and one of her longest standing teammates along with Joker, Tali, Liara and Wrex. We both know Wrex isn't coming to deal with politics, especially with things on Tuchanka. Tali is busy helping rebuild her home world, and Liara is busy enough with her Shadow Broker business. You two are her best bet to get her security and an apartment here on the Citadel."
Garrus bristled. "And what if we don't want to be on the Citadel? Shepard saved Earth, I think she deserves the option to go home and settle there for a bit if she wants!"
Miranda rubbed her face, clearly stressed over the ordeal. "Look, Garrus. I know you want Shepard to be happy and relaxed, but her best bet both for her safety and health is to be here on the Citadel. Not only is it too dangerous on Earth at the moment, but I have a doctor I'm working on embedding here at Huerta that will be able to work on Shepard to give her the slow and full recovery she needs."
"She's right, Garrus. As upsetting as it may be, Shepard's best bet is here on the Citadel."
"The Citadel is undergoing just as many repairs as Earth is, in all technicalities!"
"Earth is a wreck!"
Both Hackett and Garrus stared at Miranda and she rubbed her temples.
"Just listen to me. Earth is in shambles right now. I'm thinking of Shepard's health and safety."
Garrus stared at Miranda, but she wouldn't meet his eyes.
"What aren't you telling us, Miranda?"
She shifted from foot to foot. "There's a bit of... Bumps in the road here that require Shepard to stay here on the Citadel..."
"What bumps, Miranda?" Garrus demanded.
"The Lazarus Project files were... Incomplete. It seems the Illusive Man may have deleted enough of it from findable files that Shepard wouldn't survive very long without him... Fortunately I remember most of what needs to happen but things may still go wrong. He didn't count on my helping Shepard and betraying him."
"So what's wrong with her?"
Miranda ran a hand through her hair. "Her immune system is sensitive. She's susceptible to infections and diseases. The Citadel is the best place for her right now with the filtered air systems. Earth is too risky. She needs to be as close to immediate health attention as possible. Which is why you two need to speak to the Council."
Hackett and Miranda both looked at Garrus and he nodded slowly, still unhappy. "Fine. I'll pull some strings to get us a meeting."
"No need. I've already got you two a meeting set up for tomorrow at noon."

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