Protected By Love

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I'm Jude,I'm 13,and I'm in 7th grade. "Hey fag, which one of your foster brothers did you sleep with last night?" said Josh the biggest bully x 10. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I turned around and saw the most angelic boy ever. "What are you gonna do if I don't?" said Josh. "I don't think you wanna find out." said the mystery boy. "I obviously do that's why I asked dumbass" said Josh. Then out of nowhere I see the mystery boy jump towards Josh and knock him towards the ground, and just start pounding his face senseless. The fight was broken up. "Are you okay" said the mystery boy. "yea I'm fine." I told him. "What's your name?" "Connor." "well thanks for helping me Connor." I told him. "No problem, I just hate him so much, and he's always bullying younger people." "By the way my name is." "I know your name Jude." said Connor. Then I thought to myself this could the beginning of a good friendship, and if I'm lucky it could turn out to be more than that.

That's the first chapter for you all. I know it's kind of long, but this is my first fanfic, more to come. I hope you guys like it!

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