Chapter 5

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Connor's pov

I went to the Foster's house to visit Jude, and all I saw were police cars everywhere, and his family was crying. I automatically assumed the worst. I went to go ask his sister Callie what happened, and then I saw a bodybag come through the front door, and she pointed atit, and kept crying. I then asked who did this, and I saw Josh in handcuffs, and I heard the policeman say you have been charged with the murder of Jude Foster. I dashed towards him to pound him, but right before I could punch him I woke up. I was about to be late for school. I think this shows that I better proclaim my love for Jude before it's too late.

In class in Jude's pov

I wen to science class today, I was excited to see Connor The teacher moved our seats, and he now sits by me! Class started, and Connor ran in late. I asked why he was late. "I overslept." he said. Then the teacher announced we had a new kid in class. As soon as he stood up, Connor became extremely stiff throughout his body. The teacher said his name was Jake, and he sat behind. While he was walking down the aisle he said hey to Connor. Connor couldn't even move. The teacher had asked me to take Jake to his next class which was math. I asked him how he knew Connor, and what he said shocked me. "Connor's my boyfriend." My heart sunk to my knees.

There you guys go! I hope you all like this chapter! Comment what you think will happen between Jude and Connor now that Jake is around! Next chapter Jude reveals to Jake that he likes Connor, and he tells someone about his kiss with Josh! And the ending will shock you. Let's just say some promises are made to be broken, and some are kept!

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