the real chapter 4

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Connor's pov

I knew I wanted to hang out withy Jude in someway, but not a movie that's too personal, too fast! So I sent him a note in science class asking if he wanted to go to the mall later. He responded yes.

Later that day at the mall in Jude's pov

I can't believe Connor asked me to come to the mall with him. I was so nervous, but happy at the same time! "I'm going to the mens room" I told Connor. "Do you want me to come?" asked Connor. "No I think Ican go alone, I'm 13."I told him. "Oh...right" he said. As soon as I walked into the mens room there he was Josh with the black eye Connor gave him in the fight. "Hey punk where's your little boyfriend?" "Just leave me alone Josh!" "Or else what? Are you gonna call your little protector?" Then what happened next shocked me. He threw me into the bathroom stall, and started making out with me against my will. He than stopped, I couldn't bring my jaw up "You tell anybody, and I promise you'll come up missing, got it?" I nodded yes. good news: I don't have to pee anymore, bad news: I never made it to the toilet.

Connor's pov

Jude's taking a really long time in the restroom. He must have had the nachos today.

Hey guys I hope you all liked this chapter. Next chapter there's a new character coming into the story. His name is Jake. I'll be writing the next chapter very soon!

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