Chapter 16

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Jude's P.O.V

I can't believe Connor. It was really selfish what he did.It's also my fault. I'm too young to have sex. I should have just said no to Connor. I didn't know how to though. I didn't wanna be a kill joy. I guess I better get tested. I'm really scared. How am I gonna tell my family? I'll tell Stef and Lena first, Callie will be next only because I think Stef, and Lena will be more understanding. Well here goes nothing! "Jude you wanted to talk to us"Lena says as her and Stef walk in my room."Yes"I say. "What's up?" Stef says. "Well you know how I stayed over Connor's house last weekend?"I ask. "Yea" Lena says.  "Well Connor lied,his parents were out of town." I say. "Well who watched you two?" Stef asks. "No one we were alone." I say. "Jude why didn't you say anything, you could have been hurt or even worse."Stef says. "There's more."I say. "What else?"Lena says while looking very stressed. "Connor has H.I.V, and I slept with him." I say looking down. "Oh my god."Lena says looking even more stressed. "We have to get you tested now." Stef says. So we left for the hospital.

Connor's P.O.V

I feel like such a stupid idiot. I should've just told Jude. My parents are home now,they don't know anything about last weekend. I had to go for a walk to clear my head. I went to Zac's house. My aunt wasn't there. I know where they leave the spare key though. I should say she now that Zac's gone. I go upstairs in his room. I hear a ruffle sound when I sit on his bed. It's a sheet of paper. I open it, and I can't believe my eyes. It's a note left by Zac before he killed himself. His mom said there was no suicide note. Why'd she lie? I read the letter, and see that the reason he committed suicide was that he was in love with Jude. I have to run home, and show my parents. I walk in, and see my parents look terrified. I asked them what was wrong. What they asked shocked me. They said "Connor. Why is there a dead body in the attic?" It's Josh! My parents are gonna find out I killed him!

Jude's P.O.V

I went with Stef and Lena to take the H.I.V test, and the doctor came out the words I heard were "Jude I'm sorry but." Then I passed out.

Connor's P.O.V.

 I told my parents I didn't know why the body was there just to take time. Then I went back outside, I took another walk to Zac's house, and the door was open to his house. My aunt's car wasn't there though. I know I closed the door. I walk and see something that I never would've believed in my lifetime. In Zac's room, I see a person. I said "who the hell are you, and why are you in this house?" I only see their back, the person turns around. I saw him with my own eyes. I see Zac!

That's all folks! Sorry it took so long,I had to think of some ideas. I hope you guys liked it! Thanks for reading. More coming soon!!

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