Chapter 11

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Jude's POV

I look down, and see that Connor has been shot. I scream my moms, and sister's name. I'm  scared. I see my moms come out, and then they run. Connor is breathing heavily. I hear Stef call it in on her walkie talkie. All of a sudden I hear Lena saying it's okay. Connor's gonna be fine.  I don't know if she's lying or not. I hear a siren, and see an ambulance, and a police car. I'm crying so hard my stomach is hurting. I feel like I'm gonna vomit. Even though all this is going on. I still wanna know whatConnor was going to say. All of a sudden I hear him saying "Jude!Jude!Jude!" I shake my head, and I see that I was just daydreaming. I see Connor waving is hand in my face. "You okay?" Connor and Zac asks. "Yea." I say. "Are you sure?" Connor asks. "Yea." I say. "So do you want to walk home with me?" he asks "Sure." I say. "But what about Zac?" I say. Zac's mom is outside." He syas. "Okay let's go" he says. "Okay. Nice meeting you Zac." I say not really meaning it. "Same." he says.

Connor's POV

Now that I have Jude alone, I think it's time for me to say I love you. "Hey Jude, can I tell you something?" I asks. "Sure." Jude says. "We've known each other for a long time, and I need to say this before I lose you again. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you, I've had really deep feelings for you, and when you were kidnapped, I realized something."I say "What?" he asks "I'm madly in love with you, and I wanted to know if you wanted to be my boyfriend." I say. "Of course! I've wanted to hear you say this since you stood up for me." he says.  I put my arm around him, and smile ear to ear.

There you go! Connor and Jude finally have a relationship, and they're finally happy. But of course that won't last for long.  Connor's hiding somethin. That nobody sees coming. So is Zac. New chapter coming very soon!! Thanks for reading!

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