Chapter 14

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Connor's P.O.V

I can't believe I'm at my cousns funeral. He was so young. He didn't even leave a note as to why he did it. When I last saw him at Jude's house, he was perfectly fine, now I'm standing over his casket. What if it was my fault? What if I caused this. I guess I'll never know. Jude's moms said he could spend the weekend over my house, that's one good thing. They also think my parents are going to be home. I lied,but I had to if I wanted to spend time with Jude. No one knows about Josh, and they never will. I'm not even gonna tell Jude.

Jude's P.O.V

I feel really sad. I know we've only been dating for 2 weeks, whenever Connor's sad,I'm sad. I get to spend the weekend over his house, and he said he has plans that I'll never forget. So I take it we aren't just going to play video games. I wonder what he has planned.

The weekend

Connor's P.O.V

I'm so excited for Jude to come over, I have so many things planned. We're going to order pizza, watch scary movies, play video games, and we're gonna do something I've been waiting a long time to do. Jude and I are going to have sex together. That is if all goes according to plan.

Jude's P.O.V

Connor told me the plans for the weekend, I'm kind of scared to have sex, but I want him really bad, so I guess I'll go with it.


Jude and I walked to my house from school, it took us like 10 minutes. Soon as we walked in, I asked Jude what he wanted to do, he said play video games, and we did. After we started, I started feeling urges, and Jude looked down, and saw that I had a huge erection. I looked at him, and we both dropped the controllers, and started passionately making out.

1 hour later

Jude's P.O.V

 wow! Connor was amazing! He was gentle, when I asked, but rough at the same time, I have a feeling we're going to that again before the weekend ends.

Connor's P.O.V

Jude loved it! I did too. I made sure to use protection, I hope it worked. I don't want Jude to have H.I.V like I do.

The end! Another chapter's coming soon. Sorry this took so long to ride, I needed ideas. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.

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