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"And she was being really rude to the waitress and I was starting to have second thoughts but I didn't want to be rude and walk out right in the middle of a date."

After doing all the dishes and eating I was now telling Jayde how horrible last night went.

"Okay. Continue." She sat down across from me at the kitchen island looking like a little kid ready for her bedtime story.

"You're my bestfriend and I can tell you anything. Don't laugh"

"I promise I won't" She smiled and reached for my hand.

"So the rest of the date was okay. Then we got to the car. She kept putting her hand uhm down there. When I got to her house she invited me inside, I didn't really want to but she insisted. When I got inside she took me upstairs and pushed me inside her room I guess and shoved me on the bed. She says she's been waiting to do this for a long time and jumps on me before kissing me. I was surprised and didn't know what to do. I told her I didn't want to do it and she told me she wanted to. After all that I just walked out and came here."

Jayde didn't say anything she just sat there looking at the counter.

Did he really do all that.

"I don't know what to say to you. You can't just walk out like that. Atleast you told her before you did something you'll regret later on. I've got to admit. That was awesome, you just rejected Brianna. I'm sorry to say this but that was also hilarious"

He rolled his eyes at me as I began to laugh at him. "You said you wouldn't laugh"

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at what Brianna must look like now after getting rejected by a hot guy like you"

I stopped laughing when I realized he was just staring at me "What? It's not like it's the first time someone's called you hot. You should know you are, I'm just your bestfriend here to make it very clear to you since you never happened to notice."

My eyes were focused on Jayde and nothing else. Of course I've been called things like cute and hot but whenever Jayde did it, it was just different.

I didn't know what was happening.

"Hey. Listen how about we go get some ice cream to make you feel better about this" She suggested and I said yes.

She told me she was going to change and be back soon. I went upstairs and got some clothes from her room to do the same.

I skipped down the stairs, happy to get out the house. I walked into the front room to see Derek standing there waiting for me.


"Yeah. Just gotta tell mom we're leaving."

I walked to the stairs and yelled "Mom we're leaving to get ice-cream!" She responds only by saying bring her some back.

Derek droves us to an ice-cream parlor a couple blocks away.

He opened the door to an empty store. "I guess we're early"

He ordered for me and I took a seat in our regular back booth.

"Thank you babe" He sat down infront of me and kept his eyes down on his cone as his tongue grazed over the melting ice-cream. How I would love to be that ice-cream right about now.

"What's wrong? You seem...Hm how do I say this? Out of it"

"No I was just thinking" He replies looking up but not into my eyes.

"Tell me." I demand.

"About?" "What you're thinking about. It must be something if it's causing you to not look me in the eyes"

"It's just a question I have" I nodded "Well go ahead"

"H-how do you t-touch a girl?"

Yay. This story is coming together so well and I'm happy.

Touch D.L. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now