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"You're going to look beautiful baby"
My mom pulled the brush through my hair and put gel in the front to keep it slicked back.

"Thanks for doing my hair again. I didn't want anyone else to do it"

"I would do anything for you. It's your prom night. This should be the best night of your life. You know my prom.night was magical, your father showed up and just swept me off my feet. Then later we-" I mentally gagged.

"Mom I don't need to know about you and Dad right now" She giggle and brushed down the front of my hair.

"Did you get the dress?" "Yup and it's the perfect one. I just love it."

I glanced over at the closet where my dress was hung up, peaking through in the sun light.

"So did he ask you?"
"Who?" I asked.
"Stop playing. Did Derek ask you?"
I got hot. "Well yes. He asked a couple days ago"

"That's my baby. Finally he grew some balls" She mumbled the last part under her breath and I rolled my eyes.

"Jay. He's liked you for years and now is the time he decided to speak up. Gotta give him a hand"

She backed away from me and smiled.

"You look gorgeous. I can't wait to see you in that dress. I'm going to leave you to get ready."
My mom walked out with a smile on her face.

I went to work on my make up. I tried to carefully put eyeliner on but a facetime call startled me and I had to start all over again.

"Can you please show me your face?"
Derek pleaded. "No I want it to be a surprise for tonight"

"I have a surprise for you tonight too."

"What is it?" I was anxious to know.

"I can't tell you now" I looked over as I continued to do my make up to see his bright smile.

"You know, you're so damn cute. Like how the fuck is your smile so perfect" I said.

"Look stop trying to butter me up I'm gonna hang up now and I'll see you tonight, princess" He hung leaving me all flustered. Where did this side come from and why wasn't it here earlier.

I finished putting on the dark maroon lipstick and and got up. I pulled down my dress and laid it down on the bed. I put on a simple gold chain I got from Derek when we were thirteen along with a gold watch. A knock came at the door as I was putting my dress on.

Mindy barged through the door wearing a sparkly blue dress. "Here let me help you" right now I just didn't want to to talk to her because of her bringing it up again.

"Listen babe, I'm sorry I knew that I was hurting your feelings and I was being a major bitch and I just came to make things right."

"Huh?" What does she have up her sleeve right now.

"Well since Derek is downstairs with your mom and dad I just came upstairs to make sure his girl look extra sexy for him tonight"

I turned ar I understand and looked at her as she pulled down the front of my dress. "Stop. Tell me what he has planned"

"Do you even know what the definition of a surprise is?" She helped me get into my heels and we both went downstairs.

"Oh my God" Derek turned around and his smile got even bigger.

I was surprised too. He was in an all black suit looking sexy as ever.

"Just one more picture" my mom yelled pulling us back together way from the door.

"You know this dress was the perfect choice. I wouldn't care what wore. I would rather see you in nothing."

I gasped. "Well we'll just have to wait and see now don't we."

"Now remeber have fun and please, please, please use protection or we're gonna have problems"

I hid my face as my dad yelled out the door. "Oh god please just stop talking."

"He's just trying to protect his baby girl." I get it but that was just so embarrassing.

We pulled up to the place where prom was being held. "It's lit guys! Bye!" Mindy jumped out of the car with her date right behind her. We laughed as she tripped on her way in.

"Ladies first" Derek walked around to my side and opened the door for me.

He held my hand as we walked in together. I looked around and stared at the decorations surrounding us.

I looked over to my left to see Brianna with the dirtiest look on her face.

I smiled as her and gave Derek's hand a squeeze. "Are you okay?" He asked handing you your drink.

"Yeah it's just I'm still wondering what this surprise is"

"Don't worry it'll happen soon" he said looking down at his watch. He pulled me down onto his lap and kissed up my arm.

"Stop..." You whined. But he continued to do it and played with your dress.
Your favorite song oui came on and you wanted to dance before the night ended.
"May I have this dance?" I asked getting up and holding my hand out.

"Of course." He pulled me over into a corner and grabbed my waist. "You and I" I sang along, resting my head on his shoulder.

The lights got low and the song stopped playing. "They're announcing kind and queen. Lets go." One of the girl in your class pulled me away from Derek and up to the front row.

"And your king of 2016 is.....Derek Luh!" I looked back and smiled.

I pushed him up the stage and smiled up at him.

"Your Queen of 2016 is....Brianna Smith" my face immediately fell. Why do they have to put those two together. It's like the universe hates me doesn't it?

This was supposed to be the perfect night and now I have to watch them dance together.

I walked back to my table and took a seat waiting for Derek. "Hey" Mindy came up to me and grabbed my hand. "Come on you can't just sit here and be all disappointed. Derek isn't dancing with her and hw told me to come get you. For your surprise"

I smiled and followed her out the door and into the limo. I saw Derek sitting there. He smiled when he saw me.

"You didn't think I was going to dance with her did you? And leave my baby all alone. Nooo" we pulled off and we just laughed as we talked driving down the brightly lit city.

I looked out the window as we pulled up to a hotel. "What is this?" I asked "Surprise" He helped me out and lead me into the elevator.

"How did you plan all this without me knowing?" "I have a few tricks up my sleeve" He says opening the door. Laying on the bed were roses and candy.

"Aww. What's all this" he didn't say anything back and he leaned in all kissed me. "I just want to a show you how much I love you" He leaned in again and pushed me back slightly.

"Wait, wait I have something to tell you..."


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