Chapter 2

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(This is dedicated to my BFF, _BlackDhalia_)

Your POV

I was walking down the hallway to the recreation room, where all the other patients are. I walked in and looked around. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I growled slightly and sat on a pillow in the middle of the room, looking at the guards who brought me here.

Dr. Smilie walked over to me. "Hello again, Miss Y/N. I see you're out and about."

"Take me off these meds."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I can't do that." He then walked away.

A small brunette girl, about 8 of age, came up to me. "If you don't want to take the meds, don't eat the food."


"They hide the meds in our food, then we eat the snacks we smuggle from the kitchen." She sits next to me.

I looked at her calmly. I felt like I know her. "Thanks. What's your name?"


"Is that short for Sally?"

She looked at me surprised. "Yea. How did you know?"

"Let's say I met a girl that has the same name." I smiled from behind my mouth guard.

She smiled. "Is she nice?"

I nodded. "Very."



I sat in my cell. I heard my door open and then close. My food came. My stomach growled in hunger.

"Don't give in. Never give in." I told myself. Soon, I felt fuzzy. I closed my eyes.

But when I opened them again, I was in a bare, gray landscape. I sat up and looked around. I was wearing my normal clothing, no straight jacket or mouth guard. I stood up and I heard something over a hill. I climbed over it and looked at the scene before me.

A mansion, no...fortress...stood out in the open field. Caves were scattered around the field. the fortress waved a flag.

On the flag, it showed an eye of red and black....

...Zalgo's eye...

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