Chapter 13

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Your POV

I growled as I sat in my cell. The doctor would visit, but only to make sure I was awake. I would snap at him, even though I wore a mouth guard.

He walked into my cell and to me.
"You going to cooperate today?"

I looked up at him.
"You fucking son of a bitch!! You should just kill me!! What point is there for me to live?!"

He frowned.
"Research. You are one case I will crack. Now...who is this...Zalgo?"
He sat out of my reach, for being chained by the neck to the floor.

"My are trying to dethrone him..."
I glared right at him.

"Is that so? What about Fear? Blasphemy?"
He questioned.

"My friends. Two generals of Zalgo's army."
I answered quite blankly.

"Ah huh..."
He got up and started to circle me.
"And this...war? What will happen if Zalgo lost?"

I didn't move to watch him.
"My mind...would die."

He paused.
"You know all that is in your head?"
He stood in front of me.

I looked up at him.
"I'm no idiot. My mind is the battlefield. We will win this war. Your medicine will not work much longer, Doctor. I will stay the psychotic killer you see before you."
I chuckled.
"The world I live in is my home. Reality is nothing but an interpretation of our desires. We see what we want to see. However, the mentally insane can see past this realm, make their world their own Wonderland. Very few know the line between worlds, even less can experience it."
I start laughing.

"You can't understand that. And that is ridiculous. There is one realm, this one. We are trying to help you-"

I cut him off.
"You are acting as if there is one true way! There isn't! We have a world we are calling home! Some take to it more than others!"

He snapped at me.

I pant slightly. I chuckled again.
"You can't stand the truth, huh?"

"Bitch! I'm a doctor and I'm the only one here that believes there is hope for you!"
He slapped me.

I hung my head after.
"Try as you might, the medicine will soon take no effect. It won't work. I will soon be immune to it..."

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