Chapter 19

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Your POV

I rejoin the group. The pastas thinned to those that lived in the Slender Mansion. LJ was sitting on a rock talking with Jason. I gulp and go up to them. "Jason?"

He looks up at me. "What happened back there?" He stands and towers over me. "Where's Blasphemy?"

I look away from him and rub the back of my neck.

"Y/N. Answer me. I need to know what happened between her and Fear." He insists.

I sigh. "Blasphemy betrayed her." I look up at him then at everyone else. "She betrayed us all. She didn't want to live in her sister's shadow, so she was a spy for the rebels, I think."

He stands at his full high and turns away. He runs his hands through his hair, which was paling to white. "She wouldn't..." He starts to pace. His arms were growing black.

LJ stands and reaches to put a hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason whips around to LJ and swipes his hand away. "Let me think!" He then storms off back to the ruins of the hospital. LJ looks at me and shrugs.

I shake my head. "She was the love of his life and now she's gone. Just like that. We just need to be there for him, make sure he doesn't go on a rampage." I look at LJ. "Fear too."

He nods and looks up. "Speak of the devil." He walks past me and to Fear, who just landed in the small tree grove. She looked tired, and looked like she was crying. LJ wraps his arms around her and she leans into his embrace.

Zalgo leans down to my ear from behind me. "We should return to the UnderRealm so everyone can return home. It's been many years since we've been apart." I turn and smile at him, with him returning the smile. He opens a portal and I follow him through it.


I pick my shirt up from the red carpet and slip it on. I look over at my sleeping lover as a smile spread on my face. I get up from the bed and put on my panties. I walk to the door, opening it up to the dark hallway. Candles flicker on the small holders hanging from the walls. The cool air from the halls enters the room, which was warmed by our earlier 'activities'. Zalgo shifts behind me, turning onto his side in the bed.

I walk into the hallway, closing the bedroom door behind me. Following the smell of bacon to the dining room, I see the large feast that was prepared. The eldest butler in the command of Zalgo waits at the chair next to the king's. "He ordered this feast to be prepared in honor of the victory. Will the master be joining you?"

I blush lightly and chuckle. "Unfortunately, he will not." I thought for a moment. "Actually, could you get me a tray?"

He bows slightly and goes off to the kitchen. He returns a few minutes later with a beautifully crafted silver tray. "Here milady." He hands the tray to me.

I turn to the table and load the tray with a meal for two.

"The surface Pastas will be here for a ball. The master set it up for tonight, however they will be here soon. We will keep them out of the way until you and the master wish to see them." The butler informed.

I nod and head back to the bedroom the king and I share. I open the door, peeking in, and smile. Zalgo was asleep still. I go in, silently closing the door behind me, and go to his bedside. He was in his demonic human form, not his intimidating full demon form. I set the tray on the bedside table and sit on the bed, careful to not wake him, yet. I lean down and kiss him lightly on the lips, then sit back up.

A soft sigh comes from him and his eyes open. He smiles. "Hey beautiful." He sits up and stretches. He sniffs the air and then turns to look at the tray. "Oh, right." He sighs again and lays back down.

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