Chapter 10

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Your POV

At midnight, I woke to see a red portal open and a cold wind washed over me. I smiled and sat up.

Zalgo stepped out of the portal in his human form. He looked at me and smiled. "It's true. You're back."

I got up and and ran into his open arms. I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back. I looked up at him. "You haven't changed a bit."

He chuckled. "But you have my love." He kissed me.

I kissed him back and pulled away. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"This war is tearing friends and families apart. The humans were driven underground in caves. We had to protect our own prey." He growls slightly.

I place my hand on his cheek. "You're doing your best to stop this war. I just hope it ends soon."

He nods. "Their leader needs to be killed in order to return to the life we had before."

I nod. "I will try everything in my power to help."

He holds me close. "Good..." He leaned down to my neck. "It has been a few years now since we..." He trails off and kissed my neck.

I leaned into him and closed my eyes. " has..."

"Shall we~?" He smirked.

((Hello my fellow Archers!! I'm so so so sorry for not updating in literally forever!! Ok, big thing here: possible lemon? Should I write a lemon for the next chapter? I never wrote a full lemon before, so I don't know what you guys will say. So...should I or should I not write a lemon?))

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