Chapter 3

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Your POV

I ran towards the fortress. I couldn't believe it. I was back home. I hit the gates of the fortress, banging on them. "Let me in!!" I shouted.

The gate opened. Fear stood behind the gate, armed to the teeth. She looked at me and dropped her gun and sword. "Y/N..."

I nodded. "I'm so glad I found you! Where's Zalgo?"

She pulled me inside and closed the gate. "He's not here. He's at our capitol, about a week journey by foot. You're at Fort NightGale. Myself and my sister are step up here with our troops."

"Troops? So...there is war..." I looked down at the ground.

"Y/N, the war is not your fault. We were able to keep the Somnia hidden." She picked up here weapons. "Follow me. I'll show you to my office." She headed inside with me following her.

I looked around. There were all sorts of weapons hanging on the walls. "You really like your weapons." I said jokingly.

She didn't smile. "I'm sorry, but I haven't slept in weeks. Our troops are always complaining about how camp is so boring and that they can't leave to fight." She sighed. "It's been hard to just smile now." She opened a door and goes inside.

I followed. The room had a table with a map on it. There were armor and weapon stands around the sides of the room. "Fear, could you fill me in on what happened?"

"I'll try my best." She sat in a chair. In the light, I could clearly make out bags under her eyes. "Well, 5 years ago, the Rebels took the UnderRealm and demolished it. Zalgo said you vanished and he was able to escape with the remaining CPs in the city. Blasphemy and I were made into generals and were given troops. He sent us out here and that was that."

I looked at her sadly. "You've been here for 5 years?"

She nodded. "Yes, I haven't seen another living soul out there." She stood up and walk over to the table. She grabbed a half empty bottle of whiskey. "I haven't even seen Laughing Jack since I left." She brought the bottle to her lips and took a swig.

I looked away. "I...I want to fight."

She put the bottle down and looked at me. "If I wasn't desperate, I would call you crazy, but right now I need a new fighter that is willing to risk everything they got."

I nodded. "I'm willing."

"Good. You can find Blasphemy in the training yard. The armory is there too. Good luck soldier." She looked at the map.

I walked out of her office and I made my way to the armory, with the help of some of the troop members.

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