Chapter 17

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Your POV

I step up to the door and open it slowly and as quietly as I could. I peek inside and nearly screamed myself when I saw what was screaming.

Zalgo, in his human form, was strapped to a table and there were wires coming from a machine and attached to his body by suction cup-things in various places. From where I could see, the skin around the area of the was burnt... There was another bag of green fluid near the table and tubing connecting to Zalgo's arm.

The aid was reading a chart next to the machine. He didn't seem to have seen me yet. Just as I look at the machine, I hear electricity crack and Zalgo screams in agony.

I start to tear up and close the door before I could've jumped in to protect him. I draw in a deep breath and move down the hallway.

'Electric-shock therapy...' Why that, I wonder. I need to save him.

I wonder the facility in search of the supply of that damned green fluid. I soon find a clue. A cart of the poison. I  hide around the corner of the hallway and watch as a nurse comes out of one of the rooms. Just as the door was closing, I notice the visible wall was covered in blood. I didn't know whose, but I didn't want to find out.

The nurse takes the cart and goes to an elevator, taking it down. I take the stairs and check each door for her to return. It wasn't until Floor -2 that I found it. The hallway was dimly lit, just enough to make sure someone doesn't run into anything.

I follow the nurse and she stops at a door and types in a code.
The door unlocks.

The alarm sounds and red lights flash.

The nurse looks back and runs back to the elevator. I hid before she came running. I run to the door and unlock it. Slipping inside, I look around for a light switch, turning it on revealed thousands upon thousands of shelves with bags of the green liquid.

I picked one up and looked at the label. Unfortunately, I could not read medical stuff that well. I found their supply, but how do I get rid of it all?

If I learned anything, I need to find a hiding place and/or an escape route. I look around for something and find a vent behind one of the shelves. The only thing was that I had to knock the shelf of the bags to get to it. I sigh and jump when I hear the sound of pounding footsteps. I had to act fast.

I use all my weight and strength to pull the shelf down. Bags fall off it and burst on the floor, causing a huge mess. I then pull the vent cover off and slip into the metal shaft, closing the vent off behind me. Just as I look back, I see that I dominoed the shelves. 'That's lucky for me'

I destroyed their supply. Now for the rescue.

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