Chapter 14

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Your POV

I was laying in my the dark. I started to get beaten by the Doctor almost every night. I couldn't fight back...I was too weak. My jacket was bloody from me bleeding from the nose so many times. He was getting frustrated. I won't ever give into him.

I never felt human. My body would be weak, but my immune system was strong. I never understood why. I wish to just die. I want to return home...

I soon relaxed as I drifted off to sleep...




I walked into the office.
"What's the problem?"

They looked at me.

Blasphemy sighed.
"Fear wants to attack a nearby fort, but we're running out of supplies. Not to mention the perimeter is a minefield. Fear's wing is broken, so she can't disarm a path of the mines."

"I can do it."
I unfold my wings.
"I can make a path for your armies."

Fear shook her head.
"It's risky. And you don't know how to disarm a bomb. If you died, Zalgo would have our heads...literally."

I walked up to her.
"We have to try."

She sighed and closes her eyes.
"Sister, take Y/N to the bomb building. If she can learn to disarm a bomb, we might have a chance to take that fort."

Blasphemy nodded and lead me out. She took me to the bomb range.

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