growing closer

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Sorry i haven't updated I had writers block . All that matters is that I'm back bitches !!!! ;)                             Enjoy this update ,love you guys .


---picture of Trevor 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Zack pov

We make our way to my car and I reach for my door handle . "So first stop your place ?" I said making sure I heard right . "Yup ." he said smiling . We both got into my car and I start the engine . We begin to drive out of the school parking lot When out of the corner of my eye I see Alex looking out the window As if he was in a deep thought or contemplating life .

I'm not going to lie , he looks cute when he contemplates life . I feel a light blush on my cheeks and try to dismiss the thought and concentrate on not crashing into anything . After two minutes of Awkward silence  I clear my throat and say "You can turn on the radio if you'd like ."

With that He hesitantly reaches over to flip through radio stations until he lands on one that was playing Monster Ft. Nicki minaj . I see him start mumbling the words and decide to turn it up to the max and start rapping . Then As soon As I here nicki minaj come on Alex at full volume starting rapping along .

I never took Alex as some one who liked rap , but he was rapping as if his life depended on it . I grew silent gasping watching Alex . I Began to smile 'He's so cute I can't !' I let out a little laugh and sang along . 

He was smiling ear to ear  when I joined him . "AHHHH, IM A MOTHERFUCKIN MONSTER !!!" We both broke out into laghter as we pulled into his drive way . I lowered the radio as he opened the door .            "I'll be right back ." I smiled. "Okay ." He walked away and headed to the front door leaving me alone in the car . 

Three minutes later he comes out of the house waving at a small woman in scrubs and her hair in a messy bun . She turned her attention to me and I rolled down the window and began to wave at her .    She waved at me ,"Drive safe !" I smiled at her "Yes ma'm !" 

The woman went inside and Alex got into the passenger seat . "Who was that ?"                                                "My aunt Maria ." He responded putting on his seat belt . "Seems like a nice woman."  I say as I pull out of his drive way And begin to drive to Micheals . 

The silence began again until I decided To break it ."So...You sure like Nicki Minaj." He blushed a little       'Its hard to Believe that I used to bully this kid a couple days ago and now I can't get over how cute he is .' "y-yeah she's a good artist ." "Meh , She's alright I guess ." He looked at me wide eyed .

"Alright..ALRIGHT Nicki is the queen . Name one female artist that raps better than her ." I began to think when I realized He's right . I smile "You're such a ratchet white girl ,but you're right ."    He looked in my direction and put a hand on his hip  "Damn right ,and I m the queen of bad bitchica so suck it  !"

I begin to laugh and whispered "So cute " under my breath . "What did you say ?" Alex Eyed me curiously."LOOK WE'ER HERE !" I say taking of my seat belt avoiding his question . He eye me weirdly then got out of the car . "O-okay " I sigh ,'That was close .'

we walk into Micheals and see it was empty except for an old couple and some girl with blue hair waiting in line to pay .  I followed Alex to the paint isle and looked for paint as he looked at brushes .      I was getting bored when an idea popped into my head .

walking a couple isles down I found the glitter. I grabbed some silver and quietly snuck up behind Alex. He was to concentrated looking at art pencils and brushes  to notice me behind him . I opened the container of silver glitter , took out my phone and opened the camera  'one..two..THREE!' 

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