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Heyyy there , I know you guys are mad because of last chapters ending .

Patty:" Mason better fucking die."

Carlos;"Bitch I swear to baby Jesus if anything goes wrong I'll fucking kill you!"

Maria:"I will fucking blues clues my ass into this story If something goes wrong!"

Isa:"I'll come too."

Sammy:"I like it."

Luis:"Biiittchhh! I know who you are! You're that voice that tells her to do all this shit."

Sammy:"No, I just think it gives a bit of spice to the story."

Guys!!!No one will be doing a blues clues anywhere, and shut up and let me talk! So yeah, enjoy the story.





I laid down next to the sniper  propping myself up on my elbows. 

"Alex are you there?" Asked Mason through my ear piece.

"Yeah, I'm here,"I responded looking through telescope on my gun. (A/N:Lol I know nothing about guns so please bear with me) It was pointed towards the window of my targets appartment. He was a man That owed the man I worked for money,but he was also a man that sold women as sex slaves on the black market and that gave me piece of mind when my boss told me to end him.

But what I saw when I looked through the telescope made me reevaluate my reasons. I saw a woman putting dinner on a table in front of two kids, Then in walks my target . He gives The woman a kiss and the two kids a hug. 

"Mason, did you put me in the right direction ?"I asked unsure.

"Of course I did. Now, do you see the target?"

"I-I don't know."I responded still looking through the telescope.

"Is there another light skin wearing a suit in there?"He said.

"Well, no."

"Than what do you think!"He yelled. I flinched at the loud scream and rolled my eyes. The man sat down at the table with his back facing the window I was looking through. 

"Well what are you waiting for, take the shot."He said

"But, he has a family. He has kids!"I whisper yelled. 

"Who cares?"He asked as if I should brush that fact of my shoulders because it was erelavent, but it wasnt. I know what it was like to lose a parent and I dont want to put anyone through that.

"I..I can't."

"You cant what!"He yelled the anger visible in his voice.

"I can't kill him. I'm not taking a father away from his kids,"I said flatly.

"Take the shot!"He snapped.


"Do it , or you wont get paid Alex, and you know your family needs that money,"He said

"It isn't worth it,"I snapped, getting up.

 "Fine, you leave me no choice. Do it , or Ricky kills your aunt,"He threatened making me stop in my tracks.

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