Star and Marco

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"Ready to go Marco?"
My best friend Marco Diaz shot me a panicked look as I walked over to him.
"Star! You ruined my plan!" He almost shrieked.
I looked down to my feet. I was standing on Marco's new t-shirt and had knocked over the pile of clothes on the floor.
Marco always had the sometimes annoying habit of organising everything on the floor before packing. Brittany Wong had said he had OCD but I had no idea what that meant...probably Outstandingly Cool Dude! I mean he is! (So awesome!)
"Oops! Sorry there awesome friend!" I laughed.
"It's okay Star..."
I smiled and used my magic to teleport all of our stuff into the packing bag. As much as my control over the wand had vastly improved over the last year, I still had my moments from from time to time.
"Okay let's go!" I exclaimed in joy.
"Sure!" Marco smiled at me.
From my pocket, with a flourishing sweep, I whipped the dimensional scissors and expertly sliced a hole in reality.
We both walked through and it sealed up behind us.
"So where are we going anyway?" Marco inquired.
"Somewhere totally cool!" I answered.
I put my hands over his eyes.
"Can I look yet?"
He looked dumbfounded.
"Bienvenue à Paris mon cherie!" I grinned. I had been practicing for this moment.
This is gonna be awesome, I thought.

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