Liar, Liar

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I suddenly stopped shouting at Mabel. The air around us was thick with flour. But most notably, Marinette had vanished. Everyone was too confused and delirious to realise what was happening.  

"Hey guys can I turn your attention to the fact that Marinette has disappeared?!" I struck out loudly. The three girls stopped in their tracks. Mabel looked terrified. Star also shared in Mabel's concern. Alya, however, simply smirked. "That sneaky little bitch..." she chuckled to herself. Without meaning to, I snapped at Alya.

"You do realise that your best friend has just run away amidst zombies and a being who possesses both all the knowledge of paranormal beings and magic!?" 

Alya looked suddenly apprehensive and then laughed again. "Dude! She'll be fine! Marinette always gets herself caught right in the centre of the action!" 

Our little 'discussion' was interrupted by the portaloo shaking from side to side. Mabel screamed, clinging onto Star and Alya tightly for comfort. I, on the other hand, knew what was happening but I had a plan. 

"W-what's happening?" Star stammered, the nerves in her usually bubbly voice (I presumed) becoming very apparent. 

"The bony zombie thingys are gonna get us!" Mabel yelped in response. 

Alya was half relaxed, half freaking out. But then I guess as a citizen of Paris this was kinda normal for her. "I would love to Ladyblog this...but I don't think it's such a good idea. Chillax guys! I have absolute faith that Ladybug will come to save us!" 

The plastic walls began to crack under pressure. "Any chance Ladybug could get her ass in gear?" I snapped impatiently. Mabel stared at me. "I think I liked it more last time with the glitter cannon and the karaoke machine!" She laughed nervously. 

The creatures began to prise the cracks open. I had to act. Now.

"What are we gonna do Dipper!?" Mabel panicked, "You're always the one with a plan! If ya got one, I'm all ears!"

"I have one idea, but you won't like it very much...there's something I've not told you yet..." I brought my hand up to my neck, where the Cipherstone hung.

"What?! AGAIN?!" Mabel turned on me. "You lied to me again?"

Alya rolled her eyes. "Guys don't mean to burst your bubble but we're kinda one step away from being devoured by zombies, so any plan is welcome!" She calmed Mabel and looked at me. "Dipper, do what you have to. We won't judge."

I gulped. Ford had strictly instructed me against using it - until I could master its power. But that didn't bother me now. Surely this didn't count? 

Gathering all the courage I could - as the walls fell down around us and zombies began piling towards the four of us - I stepped forth and clutched the Cipherstone tightly. Doing just as I had read in the journal, I held it deep to my chest and shouted at the top of my lungs, "LOVACUM!"

The small triangular stone reacted by glowing a bright blue. It illuminated my figure as well as turning my eyes the same shade of blue as the glow. Wide rings of blue energy spread out from my being, forming up around us into a protective dome. 

The three girls looked dumbfounded by what they'd just witnessed, even Mabel!

"I can't hold it long - just to bide us some time to think of a plan." I winced.

Mabel folded her arms. "You have A LOT of explaining to do mister!"

She was right I suppose.

Then I felt something - no someone, grab my shoulder. I was floating in some sort of weird hazy space. 

"You can do it kid. I know you can. Just hold on..." 

The voice was familiar. Coarse but somehow reassuring.

"Who are you?! Where am I!?" 

"You're're in Paris...I am only in your mind though...I am not strong enough to maintain a physical form yet..."

"Wait...are you the Cipherstone?"

"Yes. But now's not the time for us to chat. I'll see you face to face soon enough...Pinetree..."

Then I was back in Paris, holding up a shield in the middle of a zombie invasion.

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