From The Ashes, A Phoenix Rises

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(In which Mabel finds herself hopelessly lost in an unfamiliar environment, meets a former foe turned ally and comes to terms with herself)

Adrenaline, upset, anger and a whole plethora of other emotions coursed through my system. My brain was on overload. Out of breath from running, I sat down next on the stone rim of a large fountain. The gentle sounds of the water relaxed me slightly as I began the impossible task of trying to process all of this. I needed to calm my pure rage somehow to alleviate the stress. But no matter how I tried, I couldn't push this out of my mind.

"Ugh! Why did this happen to me?! This is all Marinette's fault!" I grabbed a handful of gravel from the ground beneath my feet. I struck the small stones against the water's surface violently, watching how the chilled ripples quickly morphed into a storm of waves that thrashed against the sides of the fountain.

I looked up at the cerulean sky, trying to work out exactly where I'd ended up. This place appeared to be some sort of park, tall trees planted at regular intervals along the breadth of the flagstone path that framed the perimeter of the grass. I was in the centre, draped over the wall of an elaborate fountain. I was undeniably lost. I let out a loud cry of distress and used my sweater to wipe my tears away.


The subtle flitting of a butterfly's wings could be heard over the pure silence of the park - except the tranquil trickling water from the fountain.

I turned to see the most curious looking butterfly heading towards the area where I was sat. It had broad charcoal black wings, laced with hints of shimmery violet. A few seconds passed and it appeared to be heading directly for me.


I dived out the way in response to the shout. To my utter surprise, Marco arched gracefully over my head, leaping dramatically. He landed with the precision of a cat to my left.

A temporary look of uncertainty raced across his features, only to be replaced by one of determination. Diaz plunged his hand into his battered red pocket, drawing out a long strip of black material. I was intrigued. His reflexes were lightning fast.

Marco let out a sigh and tied the black belt around his head. A cloud of black and violet mist engulfed him dispersing moments later to reveal Karate Master.

"Marco?! NO!" I screamed at him.

Karate Master ignored me and in one swift slash, his hand connected with the butterfly. It shattered upon impact into a shower of miniscule ebony shards. I winced to avoid having my eyes impaled.

The akumatised Marco stood there in silence, extending his hand out to help me off the floor where I'd fallen. I shied away from his gesture, adopting a defensive stance.

"Let Marco go, you big meanie!" I yawped at him.

"'s okay! It's only me Marco! I'm in control. After Ladybug failed to de-evilise my akuma, it stayed in my belt - I also now had a stronger connection to Hawk Moth...but as far as that akuma goes, I still possess it and its powers! The belt thing was just a hunch but it worked!" He laughed almost excitedly.

"But? But?"

"Yeah?" Marco asked.

"Never mind. My day's been hard and weird enough already. Marco, can I talk to you about something...?"

Diaz lifted the ninja mask to reveal his blue skinned face. A sweet smile rested upon it, "Sure. What's up?"
He strained slightly, his face contorting into an expression of pain but it passed over. Marco removed the belt from his head, returning to normal.

"Well, I found out that Marinette and Dipper have been lying to me. That's why I got upset and ran away like this. Dipper isn't who I thought he's like I suddenly don't know the person I loved as my brother for the past 14 years." I said truthfully, once again fighting away the tears.

Marco sank down the floor and seated himself beside me.

"I know how you feel. That was half the battle with Star. When I first met her, she was a total nut job. Well, that nut job later became my best friend but I had no idea that she felt this way about me. I know your situation is slightly different but I felt so much better after Star and I were honest and confessed our true feelings for each other. The best thing I can think for you to do is to be honest with Dipper, Marinette and the others. But most importantly, be honest with yourself," He patted me reassuringly, "You can never truly come to terms with any problem you have until you tackle the biggest monster of all. Your own brain."

"I guess so - but I just don't understand why? This was supposed to be a fun filled family vacation but it turned into the worst holiday ever! My uncles disappear and we can't get in touch with them, then it turns out my own twin brother isn't even related to me! How does that even work?!" I sobbed into Marco's shoulder.

"I don't know...but you'll find a way through this! I've only known you a day Mabel but I can already tell that you're an amazing and creative kid. You'll pull through. Hey, we both need to get over ourselves, accept this and move on. It may hurt now, but if we dwell on the present, we can't get over the issues. Heck, despite making up with Mari, I'm still dwelling on what I did as Karate Master. Neither of us asked for this, but I say if there's any lesson I've learnt from Star, embrace the chaos!" Diaz offered as advice.

I sniffled pathetically. He had a point. But I'd never get over this. However, I could at least smile and try and be myself for Dipper. He hadn't asked for this either - in fact neither had Marinette I suppose. I guess I was a little too harsh on her. An apology both ways wouldn't hurt.

"I think I owe Marinette an apology but it doesn't mean I'm not angry at her! She still owes me an explanation and a half!" I stated with purpose. I smiled slightly at my newfound resolve.

"That's the spirit?! We should head back. The others will be worried - except Alya who didn't know what was going on anyway. By the way, do you think if I can learn to control this akuma properly - Hawk Moth tried to manipulate me again but I resisted him - that I could be like a superhero?" Marco chortled standing as I did.

"I don't see why not! But ditch 'Karate Master'. It sounds like some lame kids movie ripoff. Maybe try something like...umm....errr...Black Belt!" I pondered for a moment.

Marco tilted his head and smiled, "Black Belt, I like it! C'mon let's get going."

He began to walk off when I launched myself at him and hugged him tightly. He seemed a little taken aback by this but quickly placed his arms around my back.

"Thank you for everything Marco." I whispered into his hoodie.

My life may be falling apart, but in the wise words of Princess Star Butterfly, I'd just have to "embrace the chaos". Maybe I was just dreaming anyway...who knows?

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