The Power is Revealed

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"Quick guys, well go to my place! My dad keeps a first aid kit in the cupboard!" Alya shouted over Star's strained shrieks.

"Sounds like a plan Alya!" Marinette chipped in at the end.

Marco stared between them both, an angered growl emanating from his throat. This triggered Mabel to suddenly yell - nearly bursting my ear drum - and everyone fell silent.

"Don't we need magic from the journal or something? Not a first aid kit. We'd be better off calling Stan and Ford. I'm sure Ford knows what to do."

We all stared at her in silence, then the unexpected occurred.  An invisible energy swiped us all of our feet and flung us several metres into the air up above. Everyone was freaking out like mad. Mari was talking to her bag in a state of panic, Star just screamed, Marco grabbed her wrist, Alya looked as if she was trying find her mobile and Mabel spun round laughing at the sudden lack of gravity. I, on the other hand, instinctively clutched the Cipherstone for help. Nothing happened.

Then out of no where, they all dropped like flies, slamming into the ground as a crippling mess. All but me. I remained floating in the air, surrounded by a blue bubble. The stupid rock around my neck had saved my life - I think. A monochrome wash painted the atmosphere around my bubble. The Mindscape.

"Well, well, well, I told you this wasn't the last you'd see of me kid!"

Coarse and harsh was the voice that spoke. Followed by the appearance of Bill.

"Bill! Can't you just get lost?! What's going on? Did you do this? Are they hurt? Can I help them?"

"So many questions!" The triangle chuckled to himself, "To answer them all, 1. No we're bonded for life, 2. Some energy resurgence, 3. No I didn't, 4. Yes they just fell from 200 plus metres in the air into a solid concrete surface and lastly, 5. Yes you can. I know how. I think."

"That's a lot of information to take in." I said plainly.

Cipher glowed with laughter, tapping my birthmark with his finger. It glowed blue like the Cipherstone and my eyes.

"What happened? Oh god! Ford! Talk to me!! Please! C'mon Sixer, don't leave me!"
"Someone call for help quick! Please! My baby's dying! She's hurt!"
" let me finally let me go...because the host is going to die..."
"Is everyone okay? I hurt so much..."
"I just wanted to make a difference...why did it have to end like this?"

A flood of screams, cries and faint whispering voices entered my mind. Most were of panicked Parisians, however, I heard Stan, Marco, Star, Mabel and a boy I'd seen at the restaurant who seemed to have something to do with Marinette. I think his name was Adrien.

"What the heck was that?" I pushed at Bill.

"I linked you to everyone in the city. You can hear and feel everyone in Paris at the moment crying for help...or dying." His tone was unsympathetic.

"Please stop it! It hurts!" I began to tear up at the agony of a city's pain, "There has to be a way to reverse this."

Bill sighed, "I think you already know how."

"I don' I?" The Cipherstone responded to my confusion, glowing brighter that I'd ever seen it glow ever since I'd possessed it.

"Bill...we have to do this together."

"I know, kid. Let's get this over with."

He shrank into a burst of cerulean light that shot into the Cipherstone, engulfing me in an azure cocoon.
The feeling that followed was most bizarre. I opened my eyes as the light faded. Bill was gone entirely...but I could feel his presence. He was part of me.

I freaked out. My bubble had since vaporised into thin air, leaving me floating. My clothes had changed. I was no longer in my hat and flannel shirt, instead sporting a long tailed canary dinner jacket with a brick-like pattern embroidered up the back. A white, starched shirt with a collar, black bow tie, black trousers and black brogues. I reached above my head to feel a black top hat hovering there. A blue fire spread from the far corners of my eyes, they themselves now a bright gold colour with slit pupils. The Cipherstone still hung at my neck.

"The hell?! Okay just chill got this...Bill fused with you...I think?" I thought to myself.

I was awash with the feeling of great power and a newfound confidence. I knew how to stop the energy resurgence. I looked up seeing a deep violet wave of energy dead ahead. My hands burst into flame. It was time to fix this mess, Cipher style.

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