A Little Generosity Never Hurt A Soul

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I felt Tikki tug on my jacket a little. I looked down to see what the kwami wanted.

"What's up Tikki?" I whispered to her.

She opened her large cerulean eyes and spoke softly, "I think you need to stop for a minute, Mari. Chat is right! You're not yourself today, yes, you may be stressed, but that's no excuse for being so mean to Star and Marco for no reason. I think you should apologise to both of them and try to get to know them better! You need to be a hero in and out of costume!"

"I suppose you're right Tikki...ugh, I feel terrible for saying those things to Star, Marco and Chat...I've just been so stressed out! But it was all uncalled for. I'm going to go out, find them all and apologise!"

Tikki clapped her little stubby hands in joy, "Yay! Let's go!"

"Umm...Marinette? Why are you talking to your bag?"

I paused. Tikki rapidly sealed herself away in my bag. Sitting up, I noted both Dipper and Mabel glaring at me curiously.

"I was just err...Listen, that doesn't matter right now, does it? I want to apologise for my behaviour earlier. I was a total idiot." I smiled as sweetly as I could muster.

"You are forgiven!" Mabel literally launched herself across the length of the table to hug me, giggling ecstatically. Dipper didn't say anything, instead choosing to nod at me and offer a smile - I knew he'd accepted my apology.

"You guys stick around here, I'm gonna find Star and Marco to say sorry for my actions. If the waiter asks, I'll take the salad." I hopped up and slid out of my chair.

My phone buzzed crazily in my pocket. It was Alya.

"Hey, Alya! How're you?! Listen, I'm sorry if I upset you in any way earlier...I didn't mean a word of it." I babbled incessantly.

Alya's chilled out voice giggled from the other end of the phone, "Don't sweat it Mari, girl we're cool," Her voice suddenly fell serious, "Just get out here...we may have a bit of a problem...please just get out here, stat - oh, and bring the twins!"

"And hurry!" I heard Marco's panicked voice cry in the background, followed by some form of garbled scream that sounded awfully like Star Butterfly.

"I'm on my way!" I hung up and began waving my arms around like a helicopter to catch the Pines' attention. Dipper cottoned on first, tapping Mabel's shoulder and running to join me by the door. 

"What's up Mari?"

"Star...she needs our help, so let's get to it...none of this would've happened if I'd have kept my trap shut..." 

"It's not your fault. These things happen. Don't worry yourself like this. We all act out of character when stressed out." Dipper spoke in my head without his lip moving an inch, which I was going to question, however, I passed it off and ran out the front of the restaurant. 

As I left, I thought I caught sight of Adrien smiling at me and mouthing, "Go get 'em purr-incess!"

My mind's going mad today.

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