Night Draws In

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(In which Alya finally gets to narrate again, apologies are made, Star takes a game of Twister a little too seriously and the evening winds to a close.)

(Guess who's back with the narrating you guys! C'est moi! Man I've missed the lot of you!! Things are gonna get fiery soon!)

(Alya please I thought we'd discussed this. No more fourth wall breaking it really does nothing to help the narrative!)

(Eugh, fine author if you want to be a killjoy. I'll have you know that the readers enjoy my storytelling so I shall continue to read the story now.)

The night drew in fast. We'd been playing board games for way too long at this time. Marinette was sat in between the twins in one corner of the room. Adrien sat to one side, with Star and Marco beside her on the couch.

"This was one hell of a day, huh?" Adrien laughed. (Okay but I swear he wasn't even here for part of the LIKE DAMN...MY THEORY...IS IT TRUE?)

"Sure was!" Dipper choked with a grin. His face was pale, he looked as if he was going to pass out again. Dipper's eyes seemed rather vacant despite the seemingly forced smile on his face.

"Pfft. Easy for you to say." Mabel stared at him around Marinette. Mari narrowed her eyes at Mabel causing the teen to scowl back.

"Mabel- for crying out loud! I'm done with your stupid crap!" Dipper was on his feet suddenly, everyone else remained silent.

Mabel mimicked his action, "You self centered asshole! Why didn't you freaking tell me?!" She began to quiver slightly.

Marinette intervened, "Guys! Stop! I know things have been hard, believe me, I'm freaking out too but can you not just get along?! You're nearly 15!"

"I don't know what happened here but Mari and Marco get along now, why can't you guys?" I asked. (Are you proud of me?! I asked something!)

Dipper sighed. His lids were heavy and his breath was ragged. He gestured for Mari to move away and she reluctantly did. Dipper edged over to his twin and whispered in her ear. Mabel's eyes grew wider. A weak but vague smile appeared on her face.
"Mystery Twins?" She asked with a muffled sob.

"Mystery Twins." Dipper answered with a sweet smile.

They hugged tightly (and thus my depression from the Steven Universe hiatus was cured. Hallelujah!) pulling away moments later to face each other.

"Who wants to play Twister?" Mabel shouted, her true personality shining through again.

"Twister?" Star raised her head from the cupboard.

"Star, it's a board game." Marco tried to explain. Star didn't get it.

Fifteen minutes later, the game was well under way. Star has folded her body in an almost unnatural position. Way too serious! Honestly!

In my peripheral vision, I caught sight of Dipper shooting a panicked look at the hallway. His eyes glazed over. The lights flickered. Meanwhile, the game continued, laughter ricocheting around the small lounge. Dipper was mouthing something silently. My lip reading isn't great, but it looked like, "It comes...white coat, bicycle, glasses, waffles...all gone...gone..."

The hell was he on about?


Alya, what did I say about the fourth wall breaking and spoilers? Stop it!

(Aw C'mon! Your readers hate the cliffhangers! Especially Ria...I mean it takes you half a century to update a story as it is! She's still waiting on Empire's new chapter!)

Subject change much? It's coming in due time.

(Can you at least tell me what he saw? Just between us two nerds? )

Nope. No spoilers, it's almost like a riddle for our readers to solve Alya. If they can put together the clues: white coat, bicycle, big glasses, waffles; then they'll have a clue.

(You're so goddamn mean to them!)

It's called suspense my dear Miss Césaire.

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