Do It For Star

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Man! Today's been crazy! There's so much I could say, I mean, I arrived in Paris with Marco, nearly killed Marco (bad for me ;-; then who would kiss me and make me Super Awesome Nachos?!), got bitten by a zombie, met a bunch of cool new friends, bested two superheroes in spandex, saved Paris, got a boyfriend, sat in a waiting room after a blood test and now I was off for a meal at some posh, swanky French restaurant! Talk about oh la la, oui, oui! (The girl called Mabel taught me some French!)

Marinette was up in front of myself and Marco nattering contentedly with the twins, meanwhile every now and again throwing an angered glance back at us. Marco held my arm tightly, an irritated pout on his face.
"Wassup Marco?" I bent my head round to gaze into his eyes.
As soon as he had noticed me looking, he immediately pulled a feeble smile at me.
"Nothing Star. Can we just drop it? I'm not really in the mood to talk about today at all..."
"K! But Marco, if it's because of what you did, don't get upset. You did it for me which makes me love you even more!"
"I COULD'VE KILLED YOU!!!" Diaz practically exploded like a nuclear butterfly rainbow burst, "Just for once, I wanted to be your hero, I wanted to save your life! But you just couldn't let me could you?!"
Guilt seeped into my erratic thoughts, despite me knowing I was making Marco feel worse, I pressed on.
"I love you and you are my hero! Just for being there with me for these past years, for putting up with me! You don't have to save my life to be my hero!" I stopped him and stared into his eyes.
Marco began to get upset, his eyes becoming misty as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"You are my hero Marco." I reiterated.

Clearly this was the final straw.
He struck out at me, grabbing my collar, "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU STAR?!"

Dipper, Mabel and Marinette looked round in silence.
He dropped me then ran off ahead.
Mabel was at my side quicker than a bullet.
"What happened?" She asked softly.
In front, I could see Dipper trying to reason with Marco whilst Marinette stood talking to her jacket (should I be worried about that?)
"I think...I think I...I think I upset Marco. Big time."
The Pines sister drew me up into a hug - even if she was shorter than me. "You'll be okay. It seems like he was having a snow globe day. Shake him up to much and - POOF! You've got a mini storm on your hands. You just need to give him time for all the glitter to settle again!"
Those were the wisest words I'd ever heard.
"Okay...hey look that must be the restaurant up ahead! I'm starving, let's get food!" I tried to lighten the mood as we ran off to catch the others.

Marco would be okay. I would protect him. Even if it meant giving my life.

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