The Energy Spike

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A surge of confidence coursed through my system. Automatically, I felt like I knew how to handle the situation. My body seemed to act impulsively, elegantly soaring over the city bathed in hues of grey.
Up ahead, a huge glowing violet tidal wave smashed down, trickling over the buildings.

"Jeez! What is that?!" I panicked slightly, feeling my humanity trying to dominate my thought process.

I had to calm down. My breathing was crazy and erratic. My vision clouded by humane judgement. I needed to balance myself out again. A happy medium, if you will.

"Okay," I exhaled deeply, "Time to evict this unwelcome guest!"

The energy wave pulled back, spiralling up into a tentacle type formation. I swirled the flames round my fingers in preparation, flying straight at the tower of energy before me. It turned, lashing out like a whip, smashing me back.

"Looks like someone needs to lighten up a bit!" I sneered with a giggle as my body slammed full force into a concrete wall.

The tentacle seized my ankle and flung me into the air. An idea popped into my head at that very moment. I knew how to beat this thing - theoretically speaking of course. I paused for a second then took another deep breath. I surrendered my humanity, giving into my demon instincts. The surge of power was intense but I took it in my stride.

"Let's end this once and for all!" I screamed, raising one flamed hand and plunging it into the energy spike, using my fist like drill to claw my way to the core of its being.

It shuddered as I connected with centre. The energy source. I opened a rift, dragging the energy beast through it. Ten thousand years in another dimension ought to loosen that dumb thing up!

It was gone. Then my humanity took over again. Screams of pain and despair echoed round my head. I needed to stop this. Also save the city too - or leave everyone to die, that was still an option right? Watching those meatsacks writhe in agony is hilarious! Okay, fine! I'll save the stupid humans...hope you're happy now (I was going to save them anyway).

I hovered high over the city and  focused my power into correcting everything.  I didn't do much but it seemed to just do as I willed it to. Finally, the cries of a dying city ceased to exist in my head. The lights returned to Paris, the city returning to life as the Mindscape dissipated around me.

After all this I was weak. Then I collapsed, dropping like a fly. As Paris slowly came alive around me, I felt my mind split. Then I was back to existing as two separate entities.

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