The Bakery

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Tikki buzzed everywhere as I freaked out over the choux pastries! Mom and Dad were so gonna kill me!
I quickly whipped up another batch and set it in the oven. But in no way would they be finished on time!
I crossed my fingers.
"Please let there be no customers, PLEASE let there be no customers!"
Then the service bell above the door chimed.
"Spoke to soon Mari!" My kwami giggled.
"Well, I guess it's time to put on my serving face."

Leaning over the counter, much to my relief, was Alya.
"Marinette! What are you doing down there you fool?" She joked.
Both of us laughed as she pulled me to my feet.
Behind my best friend, were two younger looking kids: a girl with long chestnut hair and an over sized sweater that sat on her shoulder, the other a boy with the same hair and eyes, wearing a checkered shirt. They must be twins, I thought.

"So how can I help you today Alya?"
"Y'know girl I think me and these two waifs I picked up on my way here could do with something to satisfy our hunger!" Alya grinned.
"Right long as you don't want choux pastries...I burnt I have a HUGE order to finish!"

The younger girl in the 80s sweater came up to me grinning.
"Yo! Ummm...bonjour, je suis Mabel!"
I laughed at her attempt, but secretly appreciated it. Most tourists are very be honest.
"Salut Mabel! Je suis Marinette!"
I shook her hand vigorously.

The boy in the checkered shirt stood to one side. Our eyes met. A strange feeling spread through me. Almost like recognition. Weird. I'd never even met him before.

Bagging some macaroons, I handed Alya, the boy and Mabel their some food.
"On the house!" I smiled.
We all laughed.

Our moment of laughter was interrupted by the glass caving in. I could just about make out a figure in dark clothes. A new akuma!
Looks like Ladybug was needed again!
However, there was nowhere for me to hide to transform without leaving everyone behind. I couldn't do that.
"WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON?!" Mabel exploded over the sound of glass.
"Hey! I saw them earlier!" The boy answered.
"A new akuma...Don't worry...Ladybug and Cat Noir will be here to protect us!" Alya reassured them.
"Everyone out! We can make it into the city we might be safe!" I called out, chaperoning everyone to the street.

"Dipper!" Mabel cried as her brother stopped, pulling out a book from inside his shirt.
"Maybe the journal has something to help-"
As he spoke, the weird book was snapped directly from his hands.
"Sorry, but your book is mine now!"
The dark clothed figure laughed maniacally.
Before Dipper could retaliate, he was gone.
"Dipper don't you remember any things from that dumb book?!" Mabel screamed at him.
"One incantation! I-I dunno though..."
Dipper calmly stood his ground.
"Let's go!" I called. I was desperate.
"No! I know what I'm doing! Corpus levitas, Diablo Dominium Mondo vicium!" He shouted.
Nothing happened.
The ground trembled.
"Dipper what did you do?!"
"I think I just raised the dead and right beneath our feet are the catacombs..."
Cracks appeared in the paving slabs. Horrific bone creatures began to crawl out of the gaps.
"There's only one thing to do now - RUN!"
We all took off down the road trying to avoid the zombies crawling about our feet.
Then we were surrounded. I couldn't transform. The book thing was gone. We were as dead as the pastries I had left in the oven.
No one could save us.


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