Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"What happened?" my mother asked as soon as I stepped into my house. My father took one look at me with a curious expression before walking right out of the room. Neither of them were very involved parents, so my father's disregard for the upcoming confrontation with my mother was no surprise.

I sighed and set my bag down. "Long story."

"Weren't you supposed to stay after school longer today?" she wondered.

"Okay, long story short, I had an...argument with someone during art class, and it got a little out of hand. Now I have to stay after school every day as punishment," I told her. I knew she'd find out about it when the principal called my parents anyway, so I might as well just give her a heads up.

"Dakota! How many times have I told you—"

"I know, I know, 'don't get in trouble, don't start fights, act more like your sister, blah blah blah'. I seriously didn't start it this time, though. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed early. Tell Mr. Kimble I said hello when he calls later," I said, heading off to my room before she could chide me anymore.

I took a long shower, making sure all the paint was out of my hair. I practically scrubbed my own skin off to get that damn paint off too. Once I finished, I went straight to bed, not having much of an appetite. I was still upset about everything that happened, and I had a feeling I'd be upset about it for a while.


"Jackie!" I called, wondering where my sister was. Usually Harlow gave me a ride to school since I didn't have a car yet, but today she said she couldn't because her mom had to use her car for something. I didn't bother asking Mason for a ride, hoping my sister would just drive me to school for once.

"Honey, she left already. She said something about how she remembered having a student council meeting," my mom told me. I let out a loud, frustrated growl as I ran out the front door.

"Screw you, Jackie," I said to myself. Luckily the high school wasn't too far from my house, but I didn't exactly look forward to walking to school this early in the morning. It was already unbearably hot due to the Florida weather.

It might seem like I hate my sister, but I really don't. Jacqueline and I used to be really close, up until she entered middle school the same time as Gage and Mason. Then she became a total snob, probably because many other popular kids were snobs too. She also became a slut, a lovely quality my parents had no idea about.

Another quality my parents had no idea about was Jackie's ability to steal almost any guy from anyone she wanted. It was this ability of hers that drove the wedge farther between us. Since I started high school, every guy I've dated has either A) cheated on me with my sister, B) left me for my sister, or C) used me to get to my sister, breaking up with me in the process.

Literally, every single guy has done one of those things. There were a couple times I broke up with guys before they could hurt me, but I knew they got to my sister sooner or later. I guess that's why I don't date too often anymore. If I do go out with a guy, it's only for a couple of weeks before I eventually break up with him.

There was one guy who I thought was different though. His name was Zack Brent. It was two years ago when I was a freshman and he moved here as a sophomore. I started to get to know him pretty quickly after he moved here. I had a lot of classes with him since his school curriculum was set up differently. Once I got to know him, along with everyone else, I started liking him more and more.

Zack was really a genuine guy at first. Moving to a new school might be hard for some people, but he was a likeable, funny guy, so he made friends quickly. We eventually started going out and I thought he was the one exception from all the other guys at school. He always treated me well and did everything a great boyfriend should do, until he started getting closer to my sister.

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