Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"So, you and David, huh?" Harlow asked me as we walked to our second period classes. I was headed to advanced French class while Harlow had Music Theory.

I looked at her questioningly. "What about David and me?" I paused in the middle of the hallway since we were nearing her classroom.

Harlow rolled her eyes. "Don't act so naive, Kody. I know you like him."

"We're just friends right now," I replied, not really telling her she was wrong.

"He seems to like you too," she commented, somewhat bitterly.

I let out a frustrated breath, not quite understanding her sudden mood change. "What's up with you?"

"What's up with me?" she repeated.

"Yeah, why are you acting like this? Is this about David? You've never mentioned anything about him before—"

"No, this isn't about him. Date him and dump him for all I care," she snapped.

"Then tell me what's wrong!"

She shook her head. "I'm just having a bad day. I'll see you later," she answered, quickly going into her next class. I stared after her for a minute before sighing and heading toward French class.

"Bonjour, la classe," the teacher greeted. I sank in my seat, not exactly feeling like participating right now. Harlow was acting weird since I spent time with David two days ago at the beach, but I wasn't sure if it was because she liked him or not. She never mentioned anything about liking him, and she always tells me about every single crush she has.

"Kody?" My attention went straight to the teacher.

"Yes, Madame Dubois?" I replied.

"You're wanted in Mr. Kimble's office." At that, a few students in the classroom whispered amongst themselves about how I was in trouble, until Madame Dubois shut them up. She was a very strict teacher who I've had the pleasure of having for three years now. We didn't exactly get along, but this year I've decided to ignore her snarky remarks as much as possible.

Once I was out of her classroom, I breathed a sigh of relief and made my way to Mr. Kimble's office. I waited outside his office for a moment until I was called in, noticing Gage was already seated in front of the principal.

"Sorry to interrupt your learning, Miss Stevens," he said, gesturing for me to take a seat.

I shrugged and plopped onto the comfy chair. "No worries, it was just French class. Actually, you kind of saved me, Mr. Kimble," I joked.

He raised an eyebrow at me, even if he was already used to my charming personality. "And how are you and Madame Dubois getting along this year?"

"We're getting along just fine," I smiled.

"Are you making an effort to learn in her class?" he asked suspiciously.

"Bien sûr! J'essaie toujours d'apprendre dans sa classe," I told him in French. I remembered him telling me he took French in school as well, so I knew he'd understand the gist of what I told him. Gage, on the other hand, just looked confused, yet there was another emotion in his eyes as he stared at me.

"Very well. Back to the reason I brought you both in here," he began. "Mrs. Wilson has told me of your progress up to this point. Apparently you have both been doing everything you've been told to do, which we both appreciate. Therefore, Mrs. Wilson suggested that your punishment should be ended early."

"Seriously?" I said in disbelief.

Mr. Kimble nodded. "Yes, she doesn't need you to help her after school anymore. Now I'm aware that you talked to her before she came to me," he said, looking at Gage.

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