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We have questioned all our friends, and frequesnt visitors to our house about anything they have seen, and we are giving them some chapters to describe what they have seen. This proves our stories are not made up, as we have some reliable and intelligent witnesses, who can back us up.

When scarlet asked her if she had ever seen or experienced anything in our house she answered:

“ when I was going out of your bedroom… when I saw that door by the attic move and when we turned the lights out I thought I felt something move at the top of the stairs. And I turned over when we were going to sleep and felt someone watching me from the laundry basket. And when there was the hold in the bathroom through to the attic, I like, felt someone looking through it at me, sort of…”

Please note that she felt the presence where I saw/imagined/dreamt  a figure.


Once when michelle was over aswell we were making a horror film ( we were young and liked horror films okay?! ) when my radio suddenly turned on. We freaked out an I hit it with a hockey stick till it went off.

We forgot about it and continued making our little horror film, but when we watched the videos back later there was a weird static pattern playing over and over, throughout the videos, and in one something funny had happened to the sound so that after I had said the line “ it got dark really fast” the whole rest of the sound cut off so that the rest of the clip was silent with my voice just repeating “it got dark really fast.” , “ it got dark really fast” , “ it got dark really fast”.

Lots of kids that come to our house say its creepy, before we have even told them about the ghost ( which we have named ken for some reason... )

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