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I tried telling them again. Mum went all patronising and explained carefully how te house had such a nice family feeling and nothing was trying to hurt us and all her friends loved it. Dad got angry and told us off for making things up, imagining things and watching too many scary films.

But our friends all find it creepy as hell.

Scarlet claims to have been followed round the house by a little boy, who she could sense and hear but only saw in glances from the corner of her eye. I think 'Ken' might be a child as it seems to only communicate with us and our friends. But then again children and teenagers are supposably more sensitive and succeptable to paranormal activity, I was also wondering if its something to do with twins, seeing as me & scarlet are twins, and I believe we have some sort of mental capability or ability that many other people don’t have.

We were looking through the gravel at the side of the house ( god knows why, I think we were looking for nice stones or some shit.)  and we found the remains of these two little rooms, big enough for a man to lie down in, or for 2 kids to lie down in. One is a rectangle of old red bricks, the other is concrete. There are no other signs of any old buildings being there and we have no idea what they would have been for.

Nothing really happened throughout all of Janurary & February, I thought it had finally stopped. 

 Except... : 

JANUARY  12TH  2012

We had a birthday sleepover and slept in the attic, not even thinking about 'ken' as nothing had happened for almost 2 months. Suddenly Sophia started coughing and choking and her mum had to come and take her to hospital. They said it had been an asthma attack. 

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