2nd DECEMBER 2012

23 2 0

Now this, probably wasn’t a good idead in the first place, so please don’t comment telling me I’m an idiot. I know I am, but in truth we were extrememly careful and had done a lot of research and nothing bad has come of it yet. Me & scarlet did an ouija board.

We decided to do it in my room because we felt more comfortable in there. We lit 3 candles and the one nearest the door was flickering madly. The other 2 were fine. We sat there for ages, almost 20 mins, asking lots of questions but there were no answers. Throughout there were small jolting movements, so tiny we almost couldn’t feel them, but one of us would whisper “ did you feel that?” And before you say that one of us obviously moved it or subconsciously moved it we were barely even touching it, literally just hovering our fingers above it so we could feel it move, and I KNOW she didn’t, it’s the twin thing again. Eventully the pointer had found its way onto the ‘U’ but it stopped there. So we finished the session and put everything away properly. One of the candles had its flame leant completely on the side as if someone was blowing on it.

There were familiar noises from upstairs and scarlet put her ear to my door and heard ‘someone bang on it’.

So we decided to do another one, this time in scarlets room where it had all began. Doing Ouija boards is extremely addictive when your expecting results but we have not done another one since. We are considering doing one in the attic where it obviously prefers to be/lives ( idk ) but obviously something more drastic could happen up there so its taking careful consideration.

We set everything up again in scarlets room. There were slight movements agin but they were more frequent, sharper, longer and more noticeable as the pointer moved onto the letter 'S'.

“ S For Scarlet?” I asked but the counter continued moving down the board, ignoring our questions. Then scarlet whispered;

“ Us.” At first I didn’t get it, but then it dawned on me ‘U’ then ‘S’ – ‘us’. A shiver ran down my spine there was more than one of them?

It passed the last row of letters but kept moving down and we realised it was going for the numbers.

“ It's gonna tell us how many there are.” Scarlet whispered as it jolted down further.

“ Both think of the number it's gonna go on, think how many you think there are.” I replied, and we both thought in silence for a second. I watched in horror as it moved onto number 3, the number I had thought of.

“ I thought of that!” scarlet whispered urgently. Truth in her voice, I looked up at her with my mouth open. “ you did too?” I nodded.

We were both freaked out and decided to end the session, so we said goodbye and a candle suddenly blew out. That did it for us, we quickly ended it and put it away, were I shoved it under my bottem shelf, where it still is today. Ofcourse we told our friends who had experienced stuff what had happened. And the next day a guy said.

“ 'Us three', that’s creepy, as in, you Scarlet and it?”

I practically shat enough bricks to build the whitehouse. It had included itself with us, we were an ‘us’ now. There was one ghost and 2 stupid little girls.

Us 3.

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