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Okay, nothing had happened for such a long time I started to think 'ken' had disappeared I actually started to think is been imagining it the whole time and just freaking myself out. So, and you'll think I'm an idiot for this, I moved into the attic. It is now my bedroom. Bad move right? And my parents have turned my old room into a guest room so now I'm kinda stuck there. Great.

Basically last night was my second night sleeping up there. And although nothing had happened on the first night, the second was not so reassuring.

Firstly a big poster I had hung over my bed fell down and scared the shit out of me. Yes I know it probably did just fall down, but I thought I may as well include it. Plus it sets the scene of me going to sleep slightly nervous.

I woke up the next morning to knocking on my door, and being a grumpy, sleep deprived teenager I just ignored it and went back to sleep again. 30 mins later more knocking woke me up, this time it was scarlet telling me to get up for breakfast. So I got up and went to leave the room but the door wouldn't open. I had to shove against it till it did. What had happened freaked me out a little. In my old bedroom I had all sorts of pretty things hanging from the beams in the ceiling that I left there as there was nowhere for them in my new room. A little bauble from my ceiling had been taken down and tied around the latch of my door so that when I tried to open it it wedged shut. I was pretty freaked out, scarlet assured me it wasn't her doing.

I went to put it back in my old bedroom and everything in there had been moved around. Things had swapped places on the shelves, some had even moved shelves and other things had swapped places on the table. It's not a lot I mean it's not the scariest thing that could happen. But I knew were they'd been before and seeing some 'paranormal activity' again after such a long time of normal-ness was unsettling to say least.

I'm guessing me moving up into the attic will have some more consequences of a ghostly nature, so I'm sure your looking forward to hearing what else happens to me.

Apologies for the super slow uploads and shortness of entries. Kens been slacking recently.

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