21 OCTOBER 2014

22 1 0

I'm in the attic as I write this. The tail end of that hurricane is hitting us and it sounds like it about to pull half our trees down.

By bedroom window has been smashed. Just 1 massive crack like a spiderweb as if something hit it. The same thing had happened to the window directly below it, the window of my old bedroom.

I'm scared and I'm not sure why and it's horrible. But it is just an oppressive tense atmosphere. I'm starting to get so nervous and so edgy around the house I am constantly seeing moving shadows and hearing tapping, footsteps and knocking and it's literally scaring the shit out of me.

Idk why I'm updating this now, nothing's really happened but I'm just scared and everything is completely silent all of a sudden. The winds stopped, I can't hear anything outside; not cars or birds or leaves. Not anything. And the house is so silent all I can hear is my watch ticking from the other side of my room and a weird ringing in my ears.

Something's started dripping. I can hear it behind the door into the rest of the attic.

Something on my table just moved. I think it was a nail polish. It just slid across the table.

I just heard a door close. It wasn't my door but it was close.

The dripping sped up.

I heard another door, I think it was mine.

The winds picked up again now.

I'm so scared and I don't even know why. My stomachs tightened and my hearts doing something it shouldn't be.

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