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Alice has heard all the stories but is not the easily scared type, she has no problem sleeping in our house and had never seen anything that made her nervous of a ghost’s presence.

But one night when she was sleeping at our house, we were all sitting on my daybed ( yes I know how awfully posh that sounds ) watching the woman in black on my laptop. ( AMAZING film! I recommend it!)  The film is very jumpy and sets your nerves on edge throughout, which is why at first I failed to react, believing I had imagined it. There was scaffolding up outside my window where dad was bulding a chimmeney.

We were watching the film where there was a distinct knocking on my window, slow, deliberate and loud.  It was the sound of a fist rapping on glass nothing else. There are no trees outside my window, no loose pieces of wood or metal to hit it in the breeze. Just an empty scaffolding platform. I stared at alice and scarlet, wondering if they had heard it and as their eyes moved uncomfortably to the window I knew they had.

“ did you hear knocking?” scarlet whispered as I knodded. Then alice decided to scream. ( shes a screamer.)

I ran to the window and yanked back the white curtains but it was too dark to see anything outside, especially when my own startled reflection was staring back at me in the glass. I pressed my face to the window and looked out, to see nothing. Noone sitting on the scaffolding, noone under the window, noone disappearing into the night. Nothing. Ofcourse we ran downstairs and burst into the sitting room where mum and dad were watching a film.

“ Was it you dad? mum?!”

“ Was what me?”

“ You knocked on my window to scare us?”

“ No I didn’t”

“ Please dad, you did?!”

“ I didn’t, you’re hearing things.”

We went back up stairs uneasily not quite knowing what to believe, unless we all just imagined a knock at the same window at the same time. Always a possibility. 

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