APRIL 2012

25 2 0

It had been a full year since this all began.

We had a sleepover and our crazy friends convinced us to sleep in the attic because they thought it was funny and would be a laugh, and probably didn’t believe us. While we were all up there the lights went out. Every one screamed as I rushed, and fumbled to turn them back on in the darkness. As they came back on everyone looked terrified but I just smiled and told them I had done it to scare them.

They all laughed with relief and that was the end of that, I didn’t want them to be scared, so I had lied, but we all still ended up pretty freaked out by the end of the night. Our phones all went weird, the house is pretty good at blocking signal and internet but this was super weird,  every single on of us was loosing signal and our phones were rejecting calls. It started to smell really bad aswell, like something had died. Ofcourse we all thought someone had farted or something, but the smell didn’t go away. We wanted to do some prank calls to our other friends ( you know, good old fashioned sleepover fun!) but none of us actually knew how to hide our numbers when we called them so it didn’t really work.

I guess that’s why I was a bit freaked out the next morning when I got a message from a blocked caller, because I knew none of my friends could have done it. It was a guys voice, but high pitched and sing-song saying “ daisy, come on daisy, lets go, lets go.”

I get a lot of blocked calls now, wether that’s related to ‘ken’ or I just have a stalker I don’t know but it still makes me shit bricks. They’ve called me 28 times. Its usually at about 3am. They’ll call at say; 3: 24, then when I don’t pick up they call at 3:25, then 3:26, then 3: 27… I have answered a few times but they never speak, its just silence and sometimes I think I hear faint breathing on the other end of the line.

This really worries me, so if any of you know how to unblock a blocked number or have any advice about that please comment it. I would call back but I can’t because it is blocked. 

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