JULY 2011

24 2 0

We went to turkey and I returned with a collection of the blue glass ‘evil eyes’ that are supposed to ward off evil. I put about 5 up around my room and the activity has stopped slightly.

One night me & Scarlet were home alone and heard running up and down the stairs like child, then the sitting room door swung open. I got up and closed it again and everything remained normal again. We are starting to get used to it, I still have moments of feeling watched and scared and having to run out of a room, but I just roll over and go to sleep when I hear footsteps now.

Scarlet sleep talks and sleep walks now. She got up at about 11 one night and walked off and didn’t come back for half an hour, when I asked her what she had been doing the next morning she didn’t remember it. Dad has had to put her back to bed after finding her trying to get into the attic where she was dreaming michelle was and was trying to get in to see her. And she has been up searching her room for something. She shouts at me to close the windows and tells me where medicine is and wants me to help her look for things. Its weird. I don’t like it. 

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