JUNE 2011

27 2 0

There was a quiet period for a while. Since the last incident, which must have been the end of May.

Then Michelle came over.

We decided to investigate the attic, there hadn’t been any movement for a while & we still have the same interest in all things unknown. We took our cameras up for proof of anything that happened, and we still have the videos.

We went up twice, after running out screaming the first time. Both times we were up there a bundle of  bed posts moved, we all saw it and caught it on film, as they leant over at an angle where they surely should have fallen over, then stood back upright against the wall. The first time; the sight of this and a distant thud made us leave. But when we returned ( michelle equipped with a water pistol?) the same thing happened again, so we walked to that area of the attic and found out that a similar movement could be caused by standing on a loose floorboard which pushed the posts up.  So that does have a reasonable explanation.

Even though none of us actually stepped anywhere near the loose floorboard. 

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