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This ‘diary’ is now up to date, and seeing as we have had a lull in activity it might seem weird that I suddenly decided to publish this to you and share it with strangers and ask for advice. But yesterday it re-started with a vengance.

I was home completely alone, scarlet was at the hospital with dad ( having tests cos shes a freak and cant smell ) and mum was at work. I was feeding the cats when I felt someone behind me, knowing this feeling I ignored it when there was a slight breeze on the side of my neck and a long slow sigh was released right next to me, as if someone literally was resting their chin on my shoulder.

Then as I moved around the house I kept feeling something brushing my neck and shoulders. And I realised it was touching me. It even drummer its fingers hard on my shoulder, slowly digging each finger in. I was so freaked out as I was completely alone and nothing like this had happened before. So I messages Eddie, michelle and Joe and they helped me calm down. As I sat on facebook on my computer I suddenly felt like there was something behind me. The feeling go so intense I was 100% sure and I still am that ther was someone there, and when the cats and dog started staring over my shoulders at the space behind me I knew I was right. I can feel it right now, crouched behind me, its horrifying I cant even move, my stomach’s in knots. It keeps touching my neck and shoulders and shoulder blades and stroking my hair, like its caressing me, like its petting me.

This is why I am writing this now. I keep feeling it playing with my ponytail, like running its fingers (?) through it and stroking it. I know im not imagining it, even though I am aware of how completely crazed and paranoid it sounds, but its literally happening right now. And I can feel it behind the arm of the … shit. I was gonna say I can feel it behind the arm of the sofa, crouched and reaching up to touch me, but there it just hit the arm of the sofa, like a slap with the palm of your hand, right there where I stop and say shit.

I will keep this up to date with everything that happens and if I can find them I will upload photos and videos and I will ask more friends if they’ve felt/seen/heard anything. But every one I’ve mentioned are real people so they are my proof & witnesses.

Any advice is much appreciated, or feel free to tell me any of your experiences.

Shit, it just layed its hand across my forehead and I like had to brush it off. Omg.

I actually had to grab it, and feel my hand holding something in the air, the push it off my face...

Any way yeah, feel free to share your stories or experiences in the comments or message me, cos as crazy as I probs sound I am still a huge fan of ghost stories, I guess I find it more exiting now I believe them . 

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