MARCH 2012

21 2 0

I’d been hearing giggles at night and seeing weird little shadows moving past doorways from the corner of my eye.. We had a rediculous amount of power cuts and our house is always freezing, even with a fire going and the heating on, you can see your breath. My radio kept turning itself on.

Lights that I'm sure were off are suddenly on the next time I look and every day we drive home from school to see that the attic window is open again. The cleaners got the blame for that. The gate at the end of the drive way ahs taken to openeing itself then closing on the car as we drive in. The front door is frequently open when we get home and me and scarlet get told off for leaving it open…

I was in the garage getting sawdust for the chicken run ( which me & scarlet have to clean out – lovely )  when I heard running across the gravel, and the dogs suddenly ran out barking. I leapt out of he garage and looked around to see nothing excepet the now open gate swinging. 

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