We're Coming For You

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Aladdin wondered what thing Morgiana could be hiding from them. She always told them everything, that's what friends were for; but judging from her troubled face, the constant biting of her lip; she was obviously hiding something.

Arrived to Sindria, they were given luxurious rooms, and the three of them got separated to rest from the previous battle they took part in.

An hour later, Aladdin went to Morgiana's room to check on her, "Mor-san, it's me, Aladdin, can I come in?" he knocked on her door. Footsteps were heard, then the door clicked, indicating that it was opened.

"Aladdin? Is there something you need? I actually was going to sleep." Said Morgiana, already in another clean set of clothes.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you. But if you're too tired, we can do it tomorrow." He said with a smile.

"No it's okay, come in." She said, moving to the side so he could get inside.

She went to her bed, sitting on the edge, looking at Aladdin with a questioning gaze. He walked towards the window and stared at the full moon.

"Mor-san, you know that you are very precious to me, right? And we are best friends, and best friends talk to each other when things are bothering them; so tll me, what is bothering you?" He asked, still looking at the moon.

He felt her breath getting heavier. She held her right hand with her left one, looking down at them and said. "Well, we can't hide anything from you, can we?" Said Morgiana, with a lopsided sad smirk.

Aladdin looked at her, noticing the tears in the corners of her eyes. He went to sit next to her, slowly reaching for her hands, and giving them a reassuring squeeze. "Mor-san, what's wrong?" He asked, with a worried tone.

And this was how she told him everything about Hakuryuu. When he confessed to her, when he wanted her to be his wife, and when she felt his presence in the battle place with Judal, and the look he had, the lonely and sad look he wore.

"So, Hakuryuu-onii-san was there with Judal. Something happened, I'm sure. He is a very kind and sweet person, there is no way that he chose to follow Judal without being threatened or something like that." I said, holding Mor-san's hands.

She looked up at the blue haired boy and asked with a tear slipping down her cheek. "What can we do? We can't let him follow that dark path! I've seen it.. I've seen the hollownes in his eyes. Like he was empty from the inside. We have to do something!"

Aladdin smiled at her, "It's okay, Mor-san. We'll help him, and we'll save him, and we'll bring him back home, with us."

Unshed tears finally rolled down her cheeks and she cried on his shoulder. "Th-thank you, thank you," She repeated, clutching his shoulder untill she fell asleep.

Aladdin managed to lay her down on her bed, and cover her. "Goodnight, Mor-san." He whispered, leaning and kissing her forehead.


When the morning came, Aladdin went to Sinbad to tell him about Hakuryuu, and that he had to leave Sindria.

Sinbad didn't say anything at first, just listening to Aladdin rambling about how worried he was, and how they had to do something.

"You, Morgiana, and Alibaba, go to the Kou Empire and make sure to have a talk with the First Prince Kouen. I'll send Masrur with you. Go and reassemble as much information as possible, then come back and we'll look for some strategy to save your friend. But let me first make the Kou Empire's Prince aware of your visit." Judal was always bad news, and now having a royal blooded Prince at his side was something to worry about. Sinbad couldn't take anymore risks. He won't put his country to danger.

To say that Aladdin was happy would be an understatement; he immediately ran to Morgiana to announce what Sinbad said, then told Alibaba about their next journey: The Kou Empire.


"Ehh?! Seriously?! When did this happen? Where was I? How did this happen? Ah~ Tell me everything!" Yelled a very confused, and very frustrated Alibaba.

"Hehe, let's just do what we have to do. Stories are for later. We have to save Hakuryuu-onii-san, will you help us, Alibaba-kun?" Said Aladdin.

"What's this question, what do you think? He is also my friend, of course I'll help you guys! Come on let's prepare our stuff. We have a long journey! But you guys have to tell me everything during the travel." Announced Alibaba, looking pointedly at Aladdin and Morgiana.

After they packed everything they needed for this journey, they met at the port.

"If you are ready, get in." Ordered Masrur.

Hakuryuu-san, wait for us, we'll come to save you. Thought Morgiana, determination clear on her face.

sorry for this long update.

A Kept Promise. [Hakuryuu × Morgiana]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora