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A year and half later,

While Aladdin's friends, along with Kouen, Hakuei, Kouha, Sinbad and the others were fighting Mogamett, Hakuryuu was watching their fight from the sky with Judal.

They finally were able to destroy the medium.
Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana were back together and the promise that they made was  kept. They returned do one another.

Hakuryuu, from his position above, was honestly impressed by how much they improved and changed; then shook his head internally. What was he saying? Of course they changed. It's been nearly two years, and he, himself, had changed immensely.

"Alibaba-dōno, Aladdin-dōno, Morgiana-dōno, forgive me, but I betrayed you." he muttered quietly, still watching them.

Even though Morgiana was far away, she was able to hear those words. Her eyes widened. She knew that voice, it was a bit deeper and scratchier than she remembers it to be, but she was absolutely sure she knew that voice. From where did it come? Who was apologizing to them? She wiped her head from left to right, trying to see the person behind the voice, until she looked up to the sky; her heart skipping a beat.

He was there. He was right there! She had to go to him and why was he apologizing? And.. oh. Judal. Frowning, she activated her House Hold Vessel and flew towards him, but he was about to dematerialize.

She knew she wouldn't get to him in time before he disappeared, but yelled the words that she was dying to say. She wasn't sure if he would hear her or not, but she didn't care, she had to say them.

"I'm still waiting for you to be back, just like the others, Hakuryuu-san!"

And he heard her. He heard her very well. When he turned to see her, he saw her flying, flames around her. She was even more beautiful, her hair was longer, she was taller, and she got a lot prettier. A faint blush coated his cheeks. She really is a beautiful woman. Hakuryuu thought.

He wanted to get closer, to reach his hand out and caress her soft porcelain like skin. To see her and analyze her more attentively; he felt his heart flutter by the fact that she actually, remembered what he told her nearly two years ago, that she didn't forget about him.
He was about to head towards her, but Judal dragged him away with him and they dematerialized; leaving a confused lady behind again.

Morgiana had a tear at the corner of her eye. She felt sad to see how her friend had became, and who he chose to follow.

She wanted to catch him up and bring him back. But she was too late. Why did you have to change that much? She thought, rubbing her eye, until she heard voices calling her name.

She turned and saw Aladdin and Alibaba's worried faces hurrying towards her.



"Alibaba-san, Aladdin.." She joined them, a sad look on her face.

"Mor-san, are you okay? You suddenly flew away. Did you see something? What happened?" Asked Aladdin, while holding her hand.

And then, without even noticing, tears streamed down her cheeks. She had so many people that cared for her. She was once alone, but now, she was surrounded by people that loved her. But he's alone.. Judal is not his friend, he is using him. It's obvious that he was using him. Then why? Why did he stay with him? Why did he abandon his family and friends to be with a dark corrupted person like Judal? Why did he have to change?

"Hah~ Alibaba-kun, what did you do to her? Mor-san, please forgive him, you know he's an idiot, hehe." Cheered Aladdin, shaking her hand.

"H-hey! I didn't do anything! Right, Morgiana? Oi, Morgiana, what's wrong?" Asked Alibaba.

"It's- It's nothing, just some dust that got in my eyes." Said Morgiana, with a weak smile.

Aladdin noticed right away that her smile wasn't genuine. It was forced, and he made a side note to himself to ask her about it later.

"Ugh thank God, I thought something bad happened." Sighed Alibaba, relieved.

"Yes! That's great, let's go back then." Said Aladdin, holding Alibaba and Morgiana's hands, dragging them along to the ground.

I don't know what happened here. But someone made Mor-san cry.. I will find out who did this. Thought Aladdin.

another chappa, I took the last events of the final episode of season 2 and started from there.
hope you liked it,
kat. xx

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