A Kept Promise

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Today was the day. Hakuryuu was gonna confess his feelings for the beautiful red-headed fanalis that he cherishes more than anything in this world.

But words are so easy compared to actions. It's been hours and hours, and Hakuryuu is still pacing around his room, with Judal laying on his king sized bed.

"Judal! You're not helping!" Hakuryuu groaned.

"Well, excuse me if I dont really wanna take a part of your stupid theatre acting scene," Judal snorted.

Well, you see. Hakuryuu is replaying the dialogue of what he's gonna say once he faces Morgiana the whole day. But Judal refuses to play Morgiana, said, I site: "I'm too manly and almighty to play the role of a stupid little girl."
That, of course made him receive a punch from Hakuryuu. I mean, how dare he say that Morgiana was stupid?

Now, here they were, Judal almost snoring, and Hakuryuu bitting on his nails anxiously.

Suddenly, he yells. "I'll do it!" which actually got out as a squeal. Manly of course. Yeah- he keeps lying to himself.

With that said, he stepped out of the room and speed-walked to the main garden; where Morgiana would usually sit with Aladdin and Alibaba.

Once arrived, Hakuryuu noticed that the entire freaking family was there too!
Alibaba and Aladdin talking with Kouha. Kougyoku and Morgiana making some flower crowns. Awe, my future wife.

He face palmed himself after this idiotic comment, then noticed Kouen, Hakuei with Masrur by the nearest tree.

Hakuryuu inhaled deeply. Alright, you can do it. Even if it's in front of everyone.

He stepped closer and closer until he was behind Morgiana. Kougyoku who was sitting with Morgiana on the grass, was facing him; noticed her brother standing there awkwardly. She made a confused face, then spoke. "Brother, is there something wrong?"

That caused Morgiana to turn around and look up, her gaze meeting Hakuryuu's. "Um- I.. Well, Morgiana-dôno, can I speak with you a moment?" He stuttered.

Morgiana gave him a quizzical look, but stood up nonetheless.
Hakuryuu, now a blushing mess, shut his eyes tightly, hands in fists, chin held high, took a sharp breath, then opened his eyes once again, this time, his blush long gone, and scared eyes were replaced with confident ones.

Morgiana was getting worried on her side, not knowing what was wrong with the prince. She thought he was acting really weirdly; which he was.

Suddenly, he took her hand in both his hands, and held it securely there. He looked at her, blue orbs meeting red ones, and bent down on one knee.
That caused heads to turn towards them in curiosity.

"What the..?" Whispered Kouen.

"Am I missing something here?" Asked Alibaba.

Kougyoku who had scooted near Alibaba, Aladdin, and Kouha said, "It's happening!"

"What is happening?" Kouha arched an eyebrow.

"Shush, and watch!" She shushed him.

Everyone's attention was on the two, no one dared talking and ruining the moment.

Morgiana on the other hand, was blushing as her hand twisted a little in Hakuryuu's hands. "H-Hakuryuu-san, um-- What are you- you doing?"

"Morgiana-dôno. Two years ago, I made you a promise. Which consisted of proposing again. I am now older and more mature. I have responsabities and take care of them, my eyes are more opened toward some things, I can now tell the wrong from the right, I can now tell what I desire and what I don't. I can now tell what I feel and what I don't. And now, what I feel is love."

A Kept Promise. [Hakuryuu × Morgiana]Where stories live. Discover now