The Black Sun

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Walking through the hallways to join the dinning room, Morgiana felt a presence behind her. She turned around, but there was nobody there, so she shrugged it off.

Arriving to destination, they entered and placed themselves in their habitual places, with Morgiana sitting next to Hakuren, and Hakuryuu on her right.

Gyokuen was in front of Morgiana, and she couldn't move her eyes from Morgiana the second she entered that place.

They sat there, with Kouha as talkative as ever, Hakuei discussing some things with Kouen, Koumei that almost fell asleep, Hakuryuu talking with Hakuren, and Gyokuen still fixating Morgiana with her eyes.

When dinner finally arrived, they stopped chatting, and started eating, until they heard a big Thumb, they turned quickly to find Judal on the ground, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He looked up and said softly, with his voice cracking a little, "Gomenasai, I'm late.."
The white tissue that constituted his robe started getting red. Morgiana figured out that it was blood and that he hurt himself when he fell.

Since Morgiana was the nearest to Judal, she got up and walked towards him, she kneeled down and offered a hand for help, "Here, let me help you," She said with a warm smile.

He looked at her, hesitating at first but then, he took her hand, and he got up. Morgiana accompanied him to his seat, and placed him safely and prepared to leave to her seat, when she felt a little hand on her dress. She turned around, and the little boy looked at her shyly and murmured, "T-Thank you, miss.."

Morgiana smiled, and said, "Morgiana. And you're welcome."

She placed herself in her seat and started eating again, Hakuren looked at her and said, "That was nice from you, Morgiana-chan,"
"Oh that was nothing!" She replied.

"Hey, Judal! Wanna come and play after we finish?" Asked Kouha suddenly.

The second Morgiana heard the name, she dropped her spoon and looked at Judal with a shocked expression.

Hakuren and Kouen looked at her and asked in small voices, "What's wrong?"

Still shocked, Morgiana said, "Judal.. like the Judal?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Koutoku.

"Like the Black Magi..? The black sun?"

"What is this?" Asked Gyokuen.

"The one.. That hurt my friends? The one that was about to kill Alibaba..? A-And Hakuryuu-san, h-he followed him, but he's not going to be safe with him.." Morgiana's voice was trembling, rambling nonsense, and just staring at the distance, not paying attention to anyone beside her.
She suddenly stood up, preparing her leave.

On the other side of the sphere, they just looked at her in understatement.

Alibaba turned to Hakuryuu. "Yes, she wants to help, she really cares for you, and she just can't accept the fact that you joined the Black Magi, don't you understand?"

"Haaah? Really?~" A funny voice said from behind,

"Judal-chan!" Exclaimed Kougyoku.

They turned, looking at him in shock, he was flying there, with a peach in one hand, and the other hand supporting his chin.

"What are you doing here, Judal?" Asked Koumei.

"Maah, nothing special, just watching over my little future emperor. Is it forbidden or somethin'?" Answered Judal. "And this sphere is quite interesting too.."

Masrur stepped in front of Judal, glaring at him, "You touch her, you're dead." Said Masrur firmly.

Judal was taken back a little by the red-haired man, but didn't show the fear in his eyes, so he just put an arm around Hakuryuu's shoulders and said, "Let's keep watching!"

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