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After that little 'moment', Morgiana and Hakuryuu were getting along even more. And the girl noticed herself getting all blushy around the young prince. He was so kind, so nice, and who was she to say that he wasn't handsome? Something new came in the picture too, and Morgiana wasn't sure about it. She would call them 'Bugs in the tummy'
Every little touch between the two sent those bugs in her tummy, and it felt so funny inside her.

She decided to ask Kougyoku about this, "Um, Kou-san. Can I ask you something?"

She was with Kougyoku in her room, helping the princess to choose tissues to create a new dress.

" 'Course. What is it?" Kougyoku let the bright blue fabric fall from her hands, and scooted closer to Morgiana.

"I-It's about H-Hakuryuu-san.." She said, blushing slightly.

"Awe, look at you! Blushing just by mentioning his name!" The princess squealed beside her, clapping her hands together.

"Why do I feel these bugs in the tummy when I'm around him? And I literally think about him during all the day. This is so confusing!" Morgiana sighed, burying her face in her hands in frustration.

"Well, I can tell you that I feel every single thing of what you just said every day." Said Kougyoku, with a warm smile.

Morgiana looked up form her hands, confusion written on her face, and asked, "What do you mean?"

The princess giggled, "I feel butterflies in my stomach every time I'm around Sinbad, every time he compliments me, every little touch from him sends shivers through my body, and sends me to the clouds. I think about him every night, and I can't control my happiness when I see him. You know why?"

Morgiana shook her head no, and Kougyoku chuckled, before putting a hand on Morgiana's and saying, "Because I'm in love with him," She smiled.

And it's there where it hit Morgiana.


Love? In love?

"I'm in love with you Morgiana-dono."

This sentence, this right sentence replayed in Morgiana's head for a good five minutes.

She is sharing his feelings. The feelings he confessed two years ago. And wow! That was so scary. What does she do? Tell him she loved him? What if he stopped loving her? What if he found another girl? What if he fell in love with this new girl? What if--

Her thoughts were cut off by Kougyoku's laugher.
"Ahahaha~ stop it! Stop thinking about it so much! He loves you too, idiot!"

"How do you know..? How do you know he didn't fall for another one?" Morgiana asked softly.

"Because, I saw how he looks at you, the fond in his eyes, like you were the most beautiful and precious treasure in this world," Kougyoku sighed, and took both of the fanalis' hands, and held them tightly, "He loves you."


I can do it! It's not that difficult, just tell him that you love him.. Morgiana tried to convince herself to confess to the raven haired boy. She was pacing in her room, choosing the right words to say.

After a good hour, she gave up, and plopped down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm such a coward." She murmured to herself.

"I'm in love with you, Morgiana-dono."

Morgiana groaned in her pillow, and threw it away, and stood up. I'll do it. Now.

She stormed out of her room, looking for the young prince. It was already night time, the sky was dark, illuminated by the moon's light and the stars'. The view was breathtaking, but there was some other important things that have to be resolved. The sky can wait.

Looking for him in the castle, she heard two familiar voices. She followed the voices, and found herself in one of the back yards, where peach trees were, and where Judal and Hakuryuu were laying against the tree shelf.

"I just can't do it anymore," She heard Hakuryuu say.

She hid behind a pillar, and continued eavesdropping. She knew it wasn't right, but she couldn't help it.

"So you're saying that you're giving up on all the plans that we managed to do during these two freaking years?" Judal asked.

"Sorry.. I just can't. You know I still hate her, even more than you do. I just can't handle all this revenge thing anymore. I wanna be happy, I wanna be free, free from all these hatred feeling towards her and Al-Thaman. And I actually found my happiness source," He said, softly.

"Mind telling me about it?" Judal snorted.

"It happens to be a beautiful red-headed girl, the most strong, nice, beautiful person I ever met.." He smiled.

And Morgiana felt her knees giving up on her. A huge grin made its way to her face, and butterflies; like Kougyoku called them, made their way to her tummy again.

"Eh, I knew you were whipped." Judal elbowed him, smirking.

"Well, young you was whipped over her too, so shut up now," Hakuryuu shot back, and Judal's face heated up.

"I-It was-- I was young!" He managed to reply, but Hakuryuu just laughed out.

Minutes passed by, and he spoke again, "We're good, right? You're a great friend in your way, I don't wanna loose you," Hakuryuu confessed.

"I guess we are. Hey don't get all emotional with me," Judal snorted, but Hakuryuu knew that it was Judal's way to react to emotional confessions. He's just not used to it. So he smiled, and said, "I'm gonna confess to her again; and propose again, just like I promised two years ago." He stated. And Judal smiled, and it was a pure smile.

"Yeah, you go do it. And if she says no, you back off, and let the almighty black Magi make her be his." He said, smirking. Hakuryuu just smacked his head playfully, "Shuddup" came with it, and the two brusted into another fit of laugher.

Morgiana smiled to herself, and left to her room again. She was happy, and there were two reasons behind it,
One, Hakuryuu shared her feelings, and was gonna propose to her again, and she knew what to reply this time.
Two, she witnessed Judal smiling, a real smile. The one she saw when she was in the past. And she was just so happy, knowing that there was still hope for him. Plus, him and Hakuryuu are on good terms, so he has a friend. He isn't lonely anymore. And she was willing to be his friend too.

How can you judge her? If it was another girl, she would tell that the reason that she's happy is because the person she loves, loves her back; But Morgiana cared about others more than about herself, so knowing this about Judal just made her happiness even more ecstatic.

Tomorrow would be a great day, and she just can't wait for it to come.


Hello, my lovely potatoes!
I am so happy, I wrote this chapter smiling.
Check out my other story "Dream Catcher" please.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

-Kata. xx

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